Bahamian students seeking post-secondary education can now find everything they need in a university at home rather than look abroad
When he entered the former College of the Bahamas (COB) as a first-year student, Keyron Smith was not prepared for the experience. Since his 2012 entry as a Biology major, students, faculty and staff have all come to admire Mr Smith for his drive and impact.
Mr Smith presently serves as President of the Student Government Association at the newly chartered University of the Bahamas (UB) and also sits on the institution’s Board of Trustees as the student representative. He is scheduled to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Biology with a minor in Chemistry in Spring, 2017.
The University of The Bahamas was not Mr Smith’s first choice as a tertiary institution.
“I initially had a scholarship to attend another school in Canada and due to certain circumstances I was unable to go,” he said. “I then took a year off from school completely and in my second year things really started to look good, especially since I was involved in the various clubs and organisations. It’s been a pleasant surprise to find everything I was looking for in a university right here at home. If I had a choice to do it again, it would be my first choice to attend the University of The Bahamas.”
Participating in clubs and organisations transformed Mr Smith’s college life. Student government was a major catalyst in the development of his leadership skills. He was elected Senator of the School of Chemistry, Environmental and Life Sciences, and also became the senate speaker that year.
“I got involved in COBUS (COB’s Union of Students) in my sophomore year during the administration of Alphonso Major. I liked the things that were going on at the time and I also saw some things that I had issues with and I wanted to see them change. So I wanted to be a part of the change,” he explained.
Mr Smith says he has seen many of the changes he wanted come to fruition during his administration in the body formerly known as COBUS. One of the major changes was the push to get additional course sections added for students who desperately needed them. His passion for leadership has led to other positive changes.
“Seeing policy reform, science, mainly biology, and being involved on campus are my passions. I never thought that I would be so much in love with the aspect of policy. For instance, I was able to see a policy that I had drafted passed for students to walk at graduation with six credits or less outstanding,” he recalled.
In addition to COBUS, Mr Smith lists as his college highlights his involvement in Sons of Service, relationships with his lecturers and winning the Prime Minister’s Cup and National Youth Leader Award in 2015.
Playing a major role by representing the student body during COB’s transition to University was “humbling and exciting,” he said. He recalled many late nights of reviewing the draft Bill and wanting to ensure the students’ perspectives were appropriately represented.
He is an example of the talent and potential manifested in the student body of the University of The Bahamas.
• “Gain An Edge” is a collaboration of the Lyford Cay Foundations, Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute, and University of The Bahamas aimed at promoting a national dialogue on higher education. To share your thoughts, email
banker 8 years, 1 month ago
Kool Aid. A plagiarist political crony playing pretend and dress-up.
birdiestrachan 8 years, 1 month ago
It is a good thing Banker.
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