THE BIG QUESTION: Funding for hurricane relief

Lowe Sound, Andros after Hurricane Matthew.

Lowe Sound, Andros after Hurricane Matthew.

How do you think the government should raise money to fund future hurricane relief efforts?

Leave your answers in the comments section below . . .


BahamaPundit 7 years, 11 months ago

Use the VAT money of course. It should be sitting there neatly waiting for an emergency and lowering the debt as promised.

URD 7 years, 11 months ago

Proper tax collection! Collect taxes from individuals who WE ALL KNOW do not pay their fair share of taxes.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 11 months ago

Not a good option. It's the same as introducing a new tax. Yes they need to pay their taxes, but it's not the right time to put the squeeze on anyone.

BahamaPundit 7 years, 11 months ago

How about we don't rush to fix things but live without. What an absurd thought!! Rather than borrow 150 million, why not let people fix their things over time. It's not like it was great before the storm. Let The Bahamas rebuild itself and have people work free of charge (imagine that). Yes, The Bahamas, sooner or later, will have to come to the harsh truth that nobody wants to lend them a single red cent, because they are broke. Better to learn this harsh reality sooner rather than later.

Biminibrad 7 years, 11 months ago

The big question is, what are the options? Imho, not many. I will liken this to our friend that was the proprietor at a bone fish in north andros which is now destroyed and out of business. She scraped by, did not have insurance and does not have the money to rebuild. She will need to either leave or take on a equity partner with capital. The govt. will need to do the same. Their credit rating is marginal at best. Soon they will have to make a deal with the " devil" , some one with deep pockets. Who that devil is will be or should be up to the people of tthe Bahamas. My guess is you will see china knocking on the door in a big way. I would rather see the Bahamians make a deal with the u.s. but that is up to your country and our govt. is in gridlock right now. I have been thru out the Bahamas the last two weeks and imho, there is no way this or any previous govt. of the Bahamas can dig there way out of this. In the end this may be a blessing in disguise.

DillyTree 7 years, 11 months ago

Collect the taxes that are already owed -- that would a big start and would ensure a few million in back taxes - Lady Pindling ring any bells?

Stop rampant government spending and curb corruption. Trim the civil service down to a reasonable size -- so we the taxpayers don't keep paying for dead weight freeloaders installed under the "friends, family and lovers" program.

Sell Bahamasair and privatize all the other utilities no government entity should ever own.

Claim back land and other concessions given to Baha Mar -- the new "owners" did not get the deal, Sarkis Izmirlian did. Let the "new owners" negotiate a new deal -- one in which they pay taxes and don't get huge concessions -- they've already cost us enough with the PLP kowtowing to them and accepting all kinds of backdoor deals (none of which we have ever gotten the truth on)

Then no need to raise any more money -- oh, and use VAT for what it was intended (ie. paying off the national debt of $6.6 MILLION dollars!!!!

clawdad 7 years, 11 months ago

use some of the vat money.oh wait yhey done steal that

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 11 months ago

More in line with cost savings but: start hiring competent people. You save money on two ends, work starts to get done, we're producing more with less people and you don't have to pay the cost of fixing mistakes. No more perfect storms of mishaps for example.

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 11 months ago

Shameless Shane was overheard telling Crooked Christie that the supply chain of materials needed from the U.S. for the restoration effort has been severely maxed out and disrupted as a result of the very high demand for such materials in the U.S. itself (from Vero Beach Florida to Cape Hatteras North Carolina) caused by the destruction of Hurricane Matthew. Shameless Shame complained to Crooked Christie that this supply dilemma might hold up the government's spending of money on the relief effort. Crooked Christie's only response was that the money had to somehow be spent as quickly as possible and definitely before the next general election. Shameless Shane acknowledged this could be achieved in part by significantly increasing the mobilization money paid by government to the contractors and other workers engaged/hired with his approval. Looks like Crooked Christie is anxious to ensure all of the borrowed money he lines up as Minister of Finance by increasing our already unsustainable national debt gets spent by his corrupt government, leaving nothing to be spent by the next government even though a general election must be held within the next several months. Yes folks, the mad dash is on by Crooked Christie and Shamless Shane to spend willy nillie as much as possible in lining the pockets of cronies and buying votes. The last thing on their minds is to have the additional borrowed money spent wisely or fairly with a general election looming.

Reality_Check 7 years, 11 months ago

It is absolutely laughable (but at the same time demoralizing) to hear Crooked Christie say time and time again that his government's restoration effort in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew must be seen to be lifted above politics. Has he forgtten that he has appointed none other than Shameless Shane to be the chief overseer of the relief effort, a man who has been steeped in cronyism of the worst kind for his entire political career?!. What a joke.

John 7 years, 11 months ago

The major thing that must change is the Bahamian government must stop living on the edge, over leveraged and credit maxed out. That way when emergencies, including events like hurricanes occur, the government can easily access funds vis a vis low interest loans on a short term basis and have the ability to pay them back. As they operate now, too much of government revenue is going to service loans. To avoid having to constantly borrow government must operate more efficiently, reduce corruption and get more value for the Bahamian tax dollars. Because borrowing was so easy in the past it led to government operating inefficiency and lack of accountability. Fix that!

sheeprunner12 7 years, 11 months ago

If we reduce the Treasury teefing, and overpriced public budgeting and paying hologram civil servants ...... there will be lots of money to stow away for "rainy days" ........... get rid of the culture of corruption in government ............. take a page out of the policy of the new President of Tanzania

bandit 7 years, 11 months ago

Gov't have money. Don't you see that they just spent 20 million on a new radar system. All the VAT money. Plus them PLP are good friends with them Chinese. They can hit them Chinese up for a low interest loan or even a grant in which they don't have to pay back. Remember the PLP and the Chinese are now great buddies.

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