It’s reaping time for government

EDITOR, The Tribune.

There are members in the Government of the past and present who have done wrong to God’s people by the stroke of a pen or by giving directives not to assist certain individuals or members of their family.

Unknown to them, God has been watching their acts and because He is long suffering, they have continued in their wicked ways, thinking they are free of God’s judgment when indeed, God’s Recording Angels continue to take note.

In the process, they have hurt many, causing families to suffer – a father to be out of a job and not able to take care of his family, a mother to sorrow and ponder where the next meal is coming from, and children to be short-changed and subject to a substandard lifestyle.

Furthermore, there are in some instances, individuals who have gone to them to plead their case and were either ignored or refused.

These dear souls have had no other recourse, but to cry out to God to intervene on their behalf because they have suffered long, under the hands of Pharaoh.

God has answered their cry, and as He reveals all that has been hidden, He has laid the axe at the root of the tree which is about to result in Judgment.



August 31, 2016.


proudloudandfnm 8 years ago

We have to get away from religion in this country. NOTHING has held us back more than religion. Our people are ignorant because of religion. We must get away from religion....

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