Changed for wrong reasons

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It is so sad to see the careful destruction of the FNM, a party that many of us sacrificed our families to keep relevant. Many of us worked behind the scene and even without any fanfare, but for a genuine concern for the country.

The FNM today is now a shell of itself. It has seen former members of parliament who have been relegated to the dustbins of time, re-emerged with a vengeance to selfishly disrupt the party from without and within.

Has-been like Maurice Moore has returned to insert himself because he knows that he had great bargaining power with the present leadership. He, after seeing the vulnerability in the leader, imposed his will and applied all of his “street skills” to relevancy. He injected his will and orchestrated the two events where the leadership was at stake. Now that “his man” is safe and secure, he will now move to carve out his piece of the action, especially if the FNM becomes the government.

Enter Tennyson Wells! Mr Wells, who attempted to dismantle the FNM before but was prevented by Hubert Ingraham, is still on his mission. He will not stop at anything to make sure the FNM is at its weakest state when the election is called. He has worked assiduously to wreak havoc on the party.

Today he has shown his full hand and has thrown caution to the wind to oust Loretta Butler Turner. He has, without shame decided to “break up” the party at all cost.

But Hubert Minnis appears like he is not knowledgeable of the Wells move. The denial of Loretta being nominated by Minnis was nothing more than a big joke. Minnis’ supporters said along and bragged that she will never see another nomination.

Moore’s behaviour, Wells’ shenanigans and Minnis’ denial are all related. The present leadership had a bullseye on Loretta’s forehead from the first leadership. Now does honest Bahamians believe that Wells is operating in a vacuum?

Maurice Moore and Tennyson don’t mean the FNM any good. They are only looking out for themselves. They need to simply GET LOST!

The million dollar question is Wells doing the biddings of Hubert Minnis with trying to oust Loretta? Enquiring minds want to know. This will only cause damage to the FNM, nothing more, nothing less.

Before this election is called, more people would publicly disassociate themselves from the FNM. I am sick to my stomach to see the once great party decreased to a group of rabble-rousers.

God helps us.




September 7, 2016.


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