Order prevails

EDITOR, The Tribune.


Dear Alfred,

I trust that all is well with you and your immediate family.

I note that you will be challenging for the leadership position of the Progressive Liberal Party at the anticipated National Convention. I have already informed both you and the public that I will support your re-election to Fort Charlotte at the next general elections. This has not changed, at this juncture.

You are also aware of my very public stance as it relates to “‘Brave’” and the succession. This, at this juncture, has also not changed. Whenever the PM decides to step aside or an act of God intervenes, initially, I will push for his ascendancy. If you wish, and I so advise for what it might be worth, you offer to serve as Deputy for a short period. Your day would then be at hand.

I will not support either Brave or yourself, with all due respect, in any on the floor Don Quixote styled challenge to Christie. At all costs, order and decency must prevail within our party if we are to retain the government in 2017.

It is to be conceded that the party has seemingly intractable issues you deal with but the PLP, traditionally, has always risen to the occasion. This time around will be, God willing, no different. I beg to remain,

Your brother in the struggle,


September 9, 2016.


themessenger 8 years ago

As usual, Mr. Bodie is in a quandary as to whose cheeks he should kiss first. His struggles continue.....

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