Irrational actions

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I FIND it more than a little disturbing the irrational and irresponsible actions displayed by Union Leader Obie Ferguson within recent weeks.

His latest threat to shut down the country and his open disrespect for the Prime Minister, does not lend itself to a proper public image.

I fear that such disruptive elements in society will only work against rather than in the interest of Bahamians, particularly those who have found themselves out of work, and those in the hospitality industry.

The approach adopted in the Sandals matter was woeful and unbecoming.

I understand that the union encouraged its agents within the company to do all sorts of distasteful things in front of guests, and that sends a poor message of who we are.

The country must recognise such persons for who they are; archaic and cancerous growths that threaten the future.

Obie Ferguson seems to care about Obie only - and that is sad.

I hope that his members wake up and smell the coffee sooner rather than later, and I hope the Prime Minister and his government show a bit more fortitude in dealing with this ‘gentleman’.



September 12, 2016.


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