The national economic plan

EDITOR, The Tribune.

So Dr Minnis is clearly dissatisfied with the Police....I reach that because of his release today criticising the Police.

Does Dr Minnis understand what in essence is the Policeman’s job description? If he doesn’t, then please stop commenting.

National Economic Plan......I honestly feel genuinely sorry for the drafters and the Committee that PM Christie has working on this total waste of energy, time and money.

The first report confirmed 1000% the total failure of the Pindling-Ingraham and more so the Christie era. They wrote a litany of negative things we never should have done, but left out the obvious that these successive Governments have by purpose and policy enslaved the majority, yes Editor, enslaved the majority.

Education since 1973 we have thrown billions of dollars and what did we get? Posturing of Minister after Minister of Education does not change the grades which they release in a form so the truth cannot be identified - the grades are far worse than what we are allowed to see.

Tourism - the sitting Minister and his staff unfortunately are totally delusional as to what Tourism Bahamas needs to be revitalised. I give Tourism the failures of various FDI projects, the total debarked of those numerous pre-2008 Lehmann Bros Hotel projects which if 50 per cent of them had come out of the ground and had opened today we would see positive results, but Tourism sat back after 2008 in the corner and wept like a baby impotent to revitalising the industry, the primary employer.

Sports Tourism - does anyone who is managing this area understand that there is only one event that is worthwhile retaining?

The fantastic Atlantis Collegiate Basketball event and it is so easy - the College Alumni who follow their teams drink-play and eat something you do not create in all of the long list of so-called Sports-Tourism events.

IAAF Relays is a waste of effort and time except for TV coverage, but it comes expensive.

Can the Bahamas create an alternative to Tourism or Government or Financial Services to provide for ‘OOO’s who have not worked for years?

Grand Bahama was the location, we gave all the concessions - millions was invested and a few came, but then it stopped.

Although it is a fecal economic approach but for years The Bahamas lived off Real Estate, the selling and developing of properties through the length and breath of the country. The UBP was correct and it worked till opps Government started making it more and more difficult then 2008 and there was no financing and a lot, yes I will admit It, of unfinanced so-called FDI investors came and fell on their face.

The Bahamas is blessed with some of the most beautiful real estate on planet earth, but what don’t we do with it?

Successive Governments refuse to free “generation property” - this will finally give to many some form of bankable collateral and some will be finally able to become part of the national economy, but try persuading the Attorneys will fight not to do this?

BAMSI as good as the concept might be no one seems to understand what PM Christie actually did - from the start PM Christie nationalised the whole Bahamian Agribusiness as no small farmer can compete with the massive production coming out of BAMSI.

Okay we will have trained Agri-technical specialists - where do they get the land to farm and the considerable capital to make such a project feasible and worthwhile?

What frightens me is this so-called required social conscience of Government rather than Social Service taking in hand the issue of pregnancy of young people.

I predict PM Christie will soon announce yet another social plan to give grants, not loans, to the young person in pregnancy so they can stay in school or work whichever they will be pulled out of.

Why can’t the numerous Talk Show Hosts understand that if there are 30,000 chequing accounts - a solid base of Savings and that the majority of the working have little to spare (Auditor General, avg Civil Servant has deductions of 80%) how can you build anything on that foundation?

Listen to what these Hosts repeat and repeat?

The cycle for Joe or Sandra average is they commit to a mortgage at 28-30....by 50 that is paid off - God help them if they have a child going to College or University as then they only have from 60-65 to save enough to take them til death,

NIB can’t pay BP&L/BEC bill.

This is the national reality, but those Hosts refuse to admit it.

The question in Election 2017 is as simple as ‘Can we?’

Will we improve with a continuance of the PLP or better with either the FNM or DNA or a mix of FNM/DNA - the jury is out but as sure as the sun rises in the east there is a small

faction today that support the Christie administration.

Is there any reason to?

Can’t touch anything.

If you add up all our debts are we, The Bahamas, unable like Mr lzmirlian was to meet our bills so really we should be in receivership no chance for anyone to bail us out?



September 15, 2016.


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