That was the week that was

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THE UK used to have a popular TV programme ‘That was the week that was’ - David Frost then young graduate from Cambridge who went onto big things in the News media. What was exceptional in this programme was, one, it was ‘live’ and it was very politically topical so all the political junkies loved it. Very satirical and politically provoking.

Some are suggesting we are heading into the ‘silly season’ (pre-election). I definitively suggest we have long past that beginning.

Have you all noticed that the PLP seem to be wearing glasses which allow them the singular incredible asset of seeing the Bahamas in a totally different light to reality and everyone else?

They also seem to be wearing hearing aids as they are hearing the opposite to reality.

If there was an aid to assist their speaking we all would acknowledge most of what they say is void of the real world of

The Bahamas to-day but it could correct telling of untruths.

On the other side of politics the FNM they seem to have an exceptional problem of ‘trumpitis’ - the constant putting of the whole leg in their mouths. So the FNM today have nine MP’s and seemingly the leader, who has done almost nothing in his Constituency since 2012 and seemingly wants to throw out the six who do not support his leadership and substitute with have-not-runs.....remember what Christie did in trying to show an image of youthfulness right before 2012? (Rollins-Wells suddenly converted to PLP candidates – where are they today?).

So we hear Marvin Dames - Dioniso D’Aguilar names being thrown into the lions’ cage obviously the Leader hopes they will bring some to the lightweight line-up of prospective candidates confirmed. Then we hear Brent wants St.Anne’s back but sorry guy Chippy very happy thank you sitting MP but what if Brent wins out what then happens to loyal Peter and the #2 position which could be Deputy Prime Minister, remind all - there is no such position in the Constitution.

D’Aguilar as an MP will be a total disaster - I suggest he does not have the required patience OJ temperament. There are only two Constituencies he could be nominated for anyway one of which Brent wants or the Leader will step away from Killarney?

So that was the week that was this last week.......



September 11, 2016.


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