Baha Mar staff’s fate

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am writing reluctantly today as I, along with some, if not all other Bahamian employees are uncertain of our fate with the company once a new investor takes over.

At the same time, much is expected of our Sr Managers, much of whom are not Bahamians. Persons have resigned and work load increased for remaining employees with the unfulfilled promise of hiring new employees, while deadlines remain the same, for some employees as well.

Additionally, since employees were advised that for the moment their current employment status depends on their performance there is obvious concern.

With that said, with increased responsibilities and demands, there exists the concern of the likelihood of  losing employment as a result. Meanwhile, a non-Bahamian has recently announced her pregnancy and soon after, her promotion.

I would like to remain anonymous however, it is a reality and a daily struggle for some of us who return to work on a daily basis, not knowing what the future holds as far as employment with Baha Mar is concerned. Nevertheless, it is my hope that this would be brought to the forefront, especially considering the recent announcement of compensation for previous employees so that current employees would know that their jobs are secure and that they will not be taken advantage of in the meantime.



September 6, 2016.


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