Headline concern

EDITOR, The Tribune

WHILE The Tribune’s article on March 31 is balanced and well written, especially as you asked both parties for comment, I have issue with the headline title “Four-hour botched surgery left me close to death”.

Your headline is often the only thing that persons will read and remember. Without knowing the details of the surgery it is very unfair to call a surgery “botched”. As the physician stated, there are often adhesions in abdominal/pelvic surgery which greatly increases the risk of complications. These type complications occur the world over and unless there is some official record of the surgeon acting incorrectly it is really disingenuous to call the surgery “botched” and imply that the result left the patient “close to death”.

In addition, unfounded accusations such as these can adversely affect a physician’s ability to obtain malpractice insurance (and therefore earn a living), even if no wrongdoing is found.

I ask that in future, before you attach such misleading headlines to your articles please consider the the implications. In this case casting aspersions on the physician and, without realising it, all practicing physicians in the Bahamas. I respect The Tribune and I expect nothing less than responsible journalism the Tribune Media Group.

Please note that the Bahamas Medical Council is an extremely vigilant organisation especially as concerns patient safety and wellbeing. Any patient that has issues with a physician can lodge a complaint (oral or written) with the medical council and be assured that the matter will be taken seriously and resolved.

I hope that you continue to bring matters of medical importance to the public and also feel free to contact the Medical Association of the Bahamas for any assistance that you may need.


President, Medical Association of the Bahamas


April 1, 2017


UserOne 7 years, 5 months ago

Well said. That headline was like something you would see in a tabloid paper and should be beneath The Tribune.

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