Candidate endorsements

EDITOR, The Tribune

NOW that we are just days away from the general elections which will usher in a new government, on behalf of the Gatekeepers I commence the serious task of endorsing candidates who are offering themselves as prospective parliamentarians.

This country would be aware that I have previously endorsed Branville McCartney and the administrative team of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA).

This was done not because I decided to join the DNA party. I gave them my endorsement because I was directed by God to do so, and today I reaffirm that decision, as I most definitely and sincerely believe that Mr McCartney will be sworn in as the Prime Minister of The Bahamas, following the general elections.

It must be clear that I am not a DNA. I am still the leader of the Gatekeepers.

The Gatekeepers is not a political party and is not fielding any candidates. I decided to endorse the DNA, because the Lord directed me to do so. It does not necessarily follow that I will automatically endorse every DNA candidate. I do plan to endorse a candidate for every constituency, and each will be on his or her own merit.

Today, I also reaffirm my endorsement of Shonel Ferguson (FNM) for Fox Hill and Dr Kendal Major (PLP) for Garden Hills. There are some fundamental reasons why I have settled on the endorsement of those individuals at this juncture. 

At some subsequent time I will elaborate on my rationalisation for endorsing those individuals, and the many others, following nomination day.

It is my considered assessment, that the old traditional parties (PLP and FNM) have failed The Bahamas, have outlasted their shelf life and are now toxic to the national health of The Bahamas.

Thus it is now time for a paradigm shift. It is time for Bahamians to put character above personality, and party; and God and country, above all. Let us pray fervently, for God’s guidance as we prepare for the upcoming general elections.




April 4, 2017


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