Master orator

EDITOR, The Tribune

Re: PM: It is easy to ‘piss away’ public funds (The Tribune, April 4).

SUCH eloquence makes it easy to see where a reputation for oratorical skills comes from! 

First ‘the finger’ and now a “rich” reference to a lower part of the human body. 

So what’s next? Could it be an even richer allusion to the rear of our anatomy?



April 4, 2017.


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 5 months ago

"Yes", Crooked Christie does indeed have many shortcomings. But say what you may, Minnis sorely lacks even the most basic and essential skills necessary to lead a small troop of cub scouts! And to think this greedy and power hungry man actually believes he could run an entire country!!

birdiestrachan 7 years, 5 months ago

Doc you are not doing too bad yourself.

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