My opinion

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Beginning with my column, Perspectives, which was published every Monday for 8 years, I have offered my opinions publicly via The Tribune since 1999. While it is an incontrovertible fact that I am the son of Sir William Allen, a former FNM Cabinet Minister, I deem that fact immaterial to either my opinions or my decision to publicise them.

As such, my opinion piece which appeared in The Tribune of the 6th April was, in my view, needlessly followed by an editorial post-script which identified me as the son of Sir William Allen. I find it necessary to point out that any and all opinions I have or will ever share in The Tribune are in no way political, nor do they concern any relations of mine, PLP or FNM.

The concern is that, in so tribalistically political a society as ours, some readers need very little encouragement to fixate on the political angle of family associations, rather than on the merit of the commentary itself.



April 6, 2017.


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