The rise in homelessness

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Has anyone taken notice of the increasing number of homeless and destitute people that roam Nassau’s streets both day and night?

Daily at almost every intersection, traffic light or parking lot one is approached by individuals, many of them children, begging for either money or food. While many of us might consider these unfortunates an unavoidable irritation, which some no doubt are, I personally find it depressing and distressing that so many of our young, elderly and physically and mentally challenged citizens have been seemingly abandoned by government, the church and society at large.

No doubt our Minister for Social Services will point a finger at a lack of resources, but far too many of our people are hurting and are in desperate need of the basic necessities of food, clothing and shelter while our government continues to squander millions on frivolities like Junkanoo Carnival.

Bahamian society has largely been bled dry of the milk of human kindness; our Leaders have become hardened to the plight of our people and our people to the plight of their neighbours. I can only think to myself as I put my hand in my wallet or put a bag of food in some small hand, there but for the Grace of God go I.



March 31, 2017.


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