Signs of election season

EDITOR, The Tribune

I AM so glad to see residents finally taking the initiative and working together. As I travel across New Providence, I see lots of activities going on.

Just this week, I saw a community park being properly cleaned up. The benches and tables have been painted, the community centre has been painted and the swings are being repaired or replaced. I even saw residents giving out bags of groceries to their peers.

Additionally, I have heard that several grill outs have been planned in several constituencies. And guess what? They are all free. All you have to do is show up, eat, drink and be merry.

The activities happening now have a stark resemblance to the activities that occurred around this same time in 2012, when residents attended meetings in mass on public parks, basketball courts and in constituency offices.

I even heard that some persons were compiling a list so that some small contracts can be awarded to people of a particular political persuasion and to persons who need persuasion.

Finally, I even saw a neighbourhood friend driving a car draped with political paraphernalia. He has been unemployed for over a year. He told me he got a small job making errands and that if his party is returned to power, he is supposed to get a government job. Lucky him.

Something is definitely in the air and it is called the election season.

If only communities would organise themselves on a consistent basis and lead the way as opposed to politicians giving us handouts every five years for our vote. What if?



April 9, 2017


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