The tower of Babel

EDITOR, The Tribune

“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it”. Psalm 127:1.

WE HAVE seen some strange events take place over the past few days that are incredibly baffling.

One day an announcement is made that the Junkanoo Carnival is postponed, and a new date will be decided. The new date is announced, and confirmed by the Prime Minister, only to be reversed, a few days later. All of this is happening, in the face of a pending general election, which must be held in just a few days.

The entire ordeal has the heads of Bahamians spinning in confusion. It is my hope that that was not the real intent.

The truth is, “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it”. The building of the Junkanoo Carnival house, was not by the Lord, so like the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), it has resulted in confusion, and after the elections, will come to an inglorious end.


Lead of The Gatekeepers

April 9, 2017


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