Boomerangs for Bradley Roberts

EDITOR, The Tribune.

While Bradley Roberts is busy lobbing stones to smear the reputations of Opposition candidates, he should be on his guard that one doesn’t hit him in the back of his bald head. He would certainly deserve it. Just who is he to pass judgment on the reputations of “bad and unfit” election candidates?

Mr Roberts, PLP party chairman, announced at an election rally that after smearing one FNM candidate he plans to “drop some more bombshells” on other candidates who decide to nominate for election.

Well, as Mr Roberts has declared open season on a person’s character, it’s about time the spy glass turned on him. How about going back to his UBP days, and wasn’t there a whisper of a lady who threatened to make something public, only to suddenly go quiet? What was that all about? Now that Mr Roberts is dropping “bombshells”, he should be careful that some of them don’t land on him.

Remember what Jesus said in the Bible about him “that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her”?

In the Bible, the woman’s accusers had a change of heart. They thought better of it and walked away from the challenge.

However, Mr Roberts foolishly cast the first stone.

He should not now be surprised that that stone doesn’t turn like a boomerang and hit him where it hurts.



April 10, 2017.


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