A cashflow solution

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Web shop owners, their money, and cash (over flow)

• It is practically common knowledge, that, web shop(s) owners have a “cash flow problem” ... Yes, as in too much cash flowing - most of which goes to the owners.

• The other part of this ‘‘cash flow dilemma” is the fact that the cash is flowing so fast, “receptive” banking institutions have had, and are having a difficult time accommodating the volume of business transactions, hence one may conclude/postulate that any given day, there’s a huge amount of cash out there looking for a home.

• I believe there’s a simple solution to their “cash flow problem” but first let me give much deserved kudos to those web shop(s) owners that have been consistent in their support of, and to our communities throughout The Bahamas. I won’t belabour the details, because we all know, that “money always has a captive market!”

• Anyway, on to “simple solution”: the objective of which is to have the “cash overflow” benefit the maximum amount of people by:

1 - Increase all web shop(s) employees salary by fifty (50%) per cent

2 - Increase payouts on winnings by fifty (50%) per cent

– Part II late

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March, 2017.


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