Biased reporting

EDITOR, The Tribune.

WATCHING the evening news on ZNS this evening. Monday 03/10. I was stunned with the blatant bias shown in 2017 with regards to their viewing of the PLP’s mass rally, and absolutely nothing said about the FNM’s inaugural of its Central Grand Bahama headquarters in Hunters opening.

May I remind the principals of ZNS that the station doesn’t belong to the PLP, it’s the people’s station.

Please, as we go into this election show some professionalism and stop the bias and one-sided reporting.

You are still practising ancient behaviour, try raising the bar.


April 10, 2017.


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 5 months ago

No media outlet in our country today is more politically biased than The Tribune my friend,

Reality_Check 7 years, 5 months ago

Re-post: @Mudda you are so right about the glaringly shameless political bias of The Tribune. On page 9 of the April 11 edition of The Tribune, the editorially staff selectively printed only part of one your comments recently posted to this web site in which you identified the valuing of loyalty above all else as being Christie's single greatest weakness. The Tribune very deliberately omitted printing the part of your comments where you pointed out that Minnis suffers from the same weakness. Small wonder so many now regard The Tribune as a ragtime tabloid devoid of professional journalism....nothing but a media outlet for the views of its owners and the suppressing of differing views expressed by others.

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