No need for outside observers

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THE BAHAMAS has enjoyed Parliamentary system of government for over 200 years. The Bahamas has been an independent sovereign nation for over 43 years. During this period this country has enjoyed General Elections on a regular basis.

The Constitution and laws of The Bahamas decide how and when elections are to be called and conducted.

I was therefore shocked and saddened when I heard that our national leaders were calling for international bodies to be brought in to observe the conduct of our upcoming elections.

In 1987, just before the general elections, an organisation in which former President Jimmy Carter was involved, wrote to the Bahamas Government informing us that they intended to visit The Bahamas to observe our election process. The Cabinet, headed by Sir Lynden Pindling, decided that this intrusion into our internal affairs would not be tolerated and they were informed accordingly.

Any citizen of The Bahamas, who is over 21 and is not a prisoner, can find six voters in the constituency he wishes to represent to sign his nomination papers and can afford to pay a deposit of $400, may become a candidate for any constituency at a general election. On election day, each candidate is allowed to have agents representing him, at each polling station in the constituency for which he is running. An official voters list is available to all candidates.

On election day before polling begins, the ballot box is opened so that all present can see that it is empty. It is then closed as voting begins. When the polls are closed in the presence of officials and candidates’ representatives, the ballot boxes are opened and votes are counted. On completion of this process, the ballots are put back in the ballot box and the box is sealed and handed over to the police.

The next day votes from all polling stations in a constituency are recounted and a winner declared. If a candidate is not satisfied with the process, he or she may take his complaint to the Election Court. This Court is made up of judges from the Supreme Court.

Few countries in the world have an election process more perfect than ours.

Our national leaders seem not to have any confidence in Bahamians. Over the last 50 years, Bahamians have attended and graduated from some of the most renowned institutions of learning in the world. We have Rhodes Scholars who graduated from Oxford University, graduates from Cambridge University, London University, Harvard University, University of Paris and others. We have almost 2,000 lawyers, we have doctors, engineers accountant, architects, nurses and teachers to name a few.

Do you think that first world countries such as New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Great Britain or the United States would ever agree to have foreigners observing their elections?

The late Sir Milo Butler and Sir Lynden Pindling must be turning in their graves when they see how those in charge of our country are fighting to return us back to slavery. My friend the Hon. A D Hanna must be heartbroken when he sees what is going on.

Look at our so-called leaders, who are asking foreigners to come to The Bahamas, to check to see that our election is not stolen: Prime Minister Perry G Christie, Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson, Hubert Minnis, Loretta Butler-Turner and Branville McCartney. These and others like them are treading a very slippery slope.

Finally, those who seek to undermine our sovereignty are traitors and one day you will pay the price.



April 4, 2017


Economist 7 years, 11 months ago

Emmmm......so what about the 1987 election? The only ones who undermine our sovereignty are ourselves......lack of ballot papers...delay voting........ballot papers that should have been destroyed two years after the last election still in the ballot box and so on.

Yes, we should have international observers...it will help keep our democracy.

Porcupine 7 years, 11 months ago

It will help keep what is left of our democracy. Was the move to legalize the illegal gambling houses democratic? Or Baha Mar? Or VAT? Democracy doesn't just happen at the voting booth, as many believe.

OldFort2012 7 years, 11 months ago

There is a HUGE difference between developing a democratic system over centuries and being given one lock, stock and barrel. We were given our system, it is not ours, it is the Brit's. Our input into our democratic system is and was precisely zero. We should value it, for it is truly a wonderful system. How much we really value it, is a matter for debate and even the most perfect system can be abused by unscrupulous people for their own ends. Having observers can do nothing but assuage fears that something crooked is going on and reinforce our own belief in our abilities, our system of democracy and the honesty of our fellow citizens who are involved in the process.

SP 7 years, 11 months ago

..... Bahamas Bring In Foreigners For EVERYTHING ELSE Why Not The Election Too? ......

Useless Roker has nothing to say about the country being absolutely inundated with blue collar foreigners in domestic areas and now pink collar workers are infiltrating sales type jobs on Bay Street and malls that Bahamians can do?

What is his "fear" of bringing in the international election observers? How can ensuring a fare and honest electoral process be damaging to the country?

banker 7 years, 11 months ago

Few countries in the world have an election process more perfect than ours.

What about PLP's Valentine Grimes being caught with a suitcase full of ballots? What about Obie buying votes in Grand Bahama? This is the Loftus Roker that criminally destroyed our education system and was part of one of the most corrupt drug-running governments in the Western Hemisphere?

Once we get our feet under us for true democracy and enlightenment, history will treat you and your fellow bottom feeders as crooks, Mr. Roker. Your legacy is assured, but not the way that you see it.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 11 months ago

It is interesting that A Loftus Roker would quote the 1987 election ........ the one that the PLP stole from the FNM ........ It shows the psyche of a misguided old man who grovelled in PLPism

sealice 7 years, 11 months ago

I agree there is absolutely no need at all for any type of outside observers wasting more of our VAT money to come travel down here, stay at the Melia, and observe what every honest, non career politically motivated Bahamian knows..... all the elections are rigged and crooked as all hell and the PLP has already bought this one with Chinese money smuggled in with the Riot gear last year......

sheeprunner12 7 years, 11 months ago

The Chinese wants the PLP in power ............ If the PLP wins: .........the Chinese would get more cheap Crown Land, more distressed downtown city blocks, more "for sale" tourism infrastructure, more control of Freeport harbour & industrial park, more unnamed ports for illegal migration, more dogs/cats/sharks resources, and more access to espionage on USA

Sickened 7 years, 11 months ago

Everything the PLP is involved in should be thoroughly reviewed. They are so filthy they don't even trust themselves. That's why Bradley Roberts (the 'Record Keeper') keeps a vault full of papers on everyone involved in government. He know's that it's just a matter of time before copies need to be delivered as a reminder of one's past.

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