FNM rally experience

EDITOR, The Tribune.

WOW! Was at the FNM rally several days ago. Must admit the FNM candidate for Sea Breeze, Ms Lanisha Rolle, was phenomenal. She had that “fire and brimstone gospel wibe” that makes or breaks a political campaign.

As for the rest of the candidates, too much time wasted being “eloquent”. Mr Desmond Bannister (Carmichael) seemed especially out of it for a seasoned politician and Mr Jeff Lloyd (South Beach) came across as an uptight RC school teacher. Mr Brent Symonette (St Anne’s) spoke as if he assumes he has already won the seat. They all need a little less eloquence and a lot more Holy Ghost Fire. A word to the wise; whoever is coaching Ms Rolle needs to coach the rest of the FNM team.

As for Dr Hubert Minnis, party leader, I liked him better during his BRUGGERDOMBRAM! phase. I sure hope he isn’t going to let his financial backers turn him into “Mr Eloquence Personified”. That would be too wrong. (Ten points for his entrance though).

Bottom line; less eloquence, more fire and brimstone gospel vibe please.



April 24, 2017.


Sickened 7 years, 5 months ago

I personally prefer the modern 'speaking and listening' rally than the African 'catch the spirit and dance around yelling' rally. But that's me.

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