
EDITOR, The Tribune.

TODAY it is a story about Leadership. A few years ago I went to a lunch in Florida and the speaker was General Schwarzkopf or “Stormin’ Norman” as he was called when he led the US troops in the first Iraq war.

His talk was entitled leadership and during his speech he said true leadership is if I, not me the General, can persuade 100 soldiers to charge an enemy position across an open space with no protection knowing the enemy has machine gun posts at the other end of the open space.

He said that is true leadership and he then added no politician in the US that he knew had that quality and I surmise he knew a few.

Shortly, The Bahamas elects its leaders and how many of them come close to the definition above except perhaps in their own minds.

So on May 10th elect whoever you think in your constituency comes closest to the leadership definition as we desperately need leaders to guide us through these difficult times. And that applies  not only here but in the world as a whole although we can only influence The Bahamas.

Empty promises and buying votes is not leadership!

As a PS, I would add the present Fitzgerald fiasco does not give a sense of good leadership.




April 22, 2017.


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