Police probe is not a witch hunt

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IT must be quite clear to the public at this time that the witch-hunt being alleged by prominent politicians and lawyers is not deserving of their acceptance.

It is their way of trying to stop the intensive investigations being conducted by the Police (not the politicians) into the blatant corruption and criminality practised in high places and the misappropriation of our public finances, which have resulted in the dangerous economic state that exists today.

There are those persons, who would wish the investigations to cease. It is my position, that the staff provided to Assistant Commissioner Paul Rolle could be increased, if we ask for assistance from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the FBI. and the Metropolitan Police from London. Other Caribbean nations have received such assistance, which enabled them to expedite investigations and expose the villains involved in the criminal acts.

The Police are under attack by attorneys and others for what appears to be efficient and effective probing being done and the arrests of persons allegedly involved. I concur with the critics with regards to the handcuffs and shackles. but do not agree that detention of the persons arrested was unnecessary.

As a Policeman, I was trained by experts, such as Mr Salathiel Thompson, Sir Albert Miller and Mr Stanley Moir. I had the opportunity to attend many institutions overseas for training. I have read The Bahamas Constitution, the Criminal Procedure Code and other laws of The Bahamas.

A provision of the Constitution, that is relevant is where the Police Officer has reasonable grounds for believing that the persons arrested have committed crime or about to commit crime. The detention of such persons would occur, if the policeman has reasonable grounds for believing that the persons arrested will interfere with or harm the evidence connected with the office or interfere with or cause injury to other persons, has reasonable ground to believe, that the persons arrested will alert other persons suspected of being involved in the same crimes; who are yet to be arrested or has reasonable grounds that the persons arrested will hinder the recovery of any property obtained as a result of the crime.

As I recall from my training and experience, the Constitution provides for the denial by the Police to permit an attorney to interview an accused person, if the investigating officer is satisfied, that such a meeting would interfere with the investigation.

For example; an accused person is about to take the policeman to recover; a murder weapon; to rescue a kidnapped victim or to find stolen property. The attorney must be denied access to the accused. The 48 hours detention of the accused persons gives the investigating time to pursue and arrest other suspects, check alibis and proceed with other functions to complete the investigation. The 48 hours detention would be increased as I recall to 72 hours on application to a Magistrate.

Our Police Force has been involved in investigations of political figures in the past. A government minister (UBP) was arrested and charged with election bribery; an MP and prominent labour leader was arrested and charged with sedition, two MPs were arrested for stealing and fraud at government institutions and an MP was arrested and charged for attempting to bribe a magistrate. I recall in the latter case cabinet ministers, party leaders and bishops attending the Magistrate’s Court. Their presence did not influence to custodial sentence imposed by the Magistrate.

I implore our Police Officers to be honest, fair and work to preserve the legacy of the Royal Bahamas Force.



August 21, 2017.


birdiestrachan 7 years, 1 month ago

Mr. Thompson it is good to see you still going strong at 90, God has blessed you with long life. But this is a witch hunt plain and simple a witch hunt. With all due respect.

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