Health pledge

EDITOR, The Tribune.

PERSONALLY, I never have high hopes for political promises. Even when they are fulfilled they are usually not well thought out and often become weights around the collective necks of the electorate. However, if there was one area in which this current administration ought to shine it should be in healthcare.

One would expect, that with a Prime Minister and Minister of Health with combined experience exceeding 50 years in the public healthcare system, that we would see fast revolutionary changes there. No such luck. The lethargy and excuses continue. Gross inefficiencies abound and our healthcare system seems mired in the mud of political gobbledygook and incompetence.

These are not political novices with no knowledge of medicine trying to learn the ropes of the healthcare system. These are men who both held the post of consultants in their respective departments, if I am not mistaken. They ought to know where the problem spots are. They should be aware of the administrative weaknesses that adversely affect the system and should have moved long ago to remove those cancerous elements that cause the treasury to hemorrhage tens of millions of dollars. They ought to know what is needed to improve patient care at all levels in this country.

Instead of a more streamlined, efficient productive healthcare system, we hear speeches about the Bahamas contributing to the US opioid crisis and other bits of drivel. While they posture, patients die. While they continue to waste government funds with NHI, many patients wait 12 hours or more to be seen in Accident & Emergency.

If we cannot expect vast improvements in areas where our politicians and decision makers are experts, then what hope do we have for areas where they are not?

There is a vast difference between campaigning and winning elections and running a country. It seems our leaders do not know the difference.



December 7, 2017.


DDK 6 years, 9 months ago

Your message is loud and clear, hope they hear (or read) it!

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