Rolle and Parker-Edgecombe back Office of the Spouse

By Ava Turnquest

MINISTER of Social Services Lanisha Rolle yesterday gave her full endorsement of Patricia Minnis’ proposal for the establishment of an Office of the Spouse of the Prime Minister.

Mrs Rolle explained there were great demands placed on the wives of nation leaders, and as such, they ought to have an office and accommodations from which to execute their mandate.

She said the establishment of such a post was a global initiative, with a regional advocacy taken up by the wives of CARICOM leaders.

“Many times, she (Mrs Minnis) would represent concerns and issues that we can’t bring to the forefront politically and she would sort of be that balance for us. As a parliamentarian, when I won’t be able to reach certain individuals, she can be able to reach a wider spectrum.

“It just works along and in tandem with the work of women in the country and not only women, I think her office would include also issues that involve children, and so I always say more hands make work light and the more the merrier, it would be a help.”

At a recent luncheon hosted for the spouses of senior government officials, Mrs Minnis revealed she had already submitted a proposal for an Office of the Spouse of the Prime Minister to Cabinet.

However, there has been no confirmation on the status of the proposal, or which minister made the presentation to Cabinet.

West Grand Bahama and Bimini MP Pakeisha Parker-Edgecombe also gave her full support for such an office, noting while there will always be economic challenges, there should be no limit on aspirations.

Mrs Parker-Edgecombe, parliamentary secretary for information and communication in the Office of the Prime Minister, acknowledged the severe blowback from the public over announcements for a pay hike for parliamentarians in the next fiscal budget, but stressed the importance of having a vision.

“Anything about empowering women and families and children I always try to support because I believe that the decisions that we make as mothers, and females in this country contribute significantly to the development of our nation so definitely I don’t see a problem with it,” the West Grand Bahama and Bimini MP told The Tribune.

“There are many challenges that we will continue to face that doesn’t necessarily mean we have to stop from believing and wanting better for our country. At the end of the day there will always be a situation that you’re going to run into that doesn’t mean we should (not) talk about our vision and our plans whether or not it is agreed upon or not, that is determined by Cabinet but at the end of the day we should always push forward with vision.”

Meanwhile, Mrs Rolle also stressed the office ought to be highly respected.

“There is a great demand on them,” she said, “there is lots of work for prime ministers’ wives to do.

“Certainly, they should have an office and they should have accommodations, that is something I fully support and I believe all of the female parliamentarians fully support because we know as wives how much equally we share in the work of spouses.”

Mrs Rolle continued: “We want to see our prime minister’s wife do well to support her husband and the work that he is doing, so it is in order, it is fitting and it is needed.”


stillwaters 6 years, 9 months ago

Nobody elected any spouse to this government. She should have an office at the place where she works. And no, I am not a PLP

sheeprunner12 6 years, 9 months ago

Agreed ......... Anyone remember the story of Ahab and Jezebel??????

DWW 6 years, 9 months ago

Unbelievable ! what about austerity? i thought we were rtying get the budget square?

OldFort2012 6 years, 9 months ago

She should also have at least 2 social secretaries and a dress allowance, of, say, a minimum $100k a year. With paid shopping trips to Miami, of course.

Mrs. Rolle is certainly entitled to her opinion. I wonder if she would change her tune if we all said: "Fine, we respect your opinion. Put your money where your mouth is. YOU pay for it."

You would not see her for smoke. Any arsehole can find a reason to dip into the public treasury. And most do.

jackbnimble 6 years, 9 months ago

Singing for their supper. I would say it to, to keep my job.

hrysippus 6 years, 9 months ago

AS the wife of the PM is unelected,.. ....................... Her wish to be a leader should be neglected., ................. This Commonwealth is a democracy,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, Most definitely not a "wifeocracy". ................... ................. She does not deserve a free ride to power,. .................... Based solely on a convenient dower.. ... ........ If she wants to be the Women's leader, ............. ................ Persuade the voters that we need her....... .................. ..


TalRussell 6 years, 9 months ago

Comrades! Minister 'KP' said the public purse run out money and announces dead bodies will be required by $50 to $700 fees, before they bodies can be released family members, but obviously got's money when the Imperial Red Shirts Cabinet wants to spend on Imperial sounding stuff to spend the state's money to fund multi millionaires projects.
And, since the red shirts wants put everything in “foreigner-public-private partnerships” (including the Out Island Inagua) by importing thousands of foreigners - why not put the office of the first lady under the foreigners, allowing them pay for her official lunches,dresses, shoes, purses, hairdos, salary, car and policeman's driver, staff, travel and entourage expenses - then they can aggressively all they want float the first lady around like a boat to give speeches at their lunches and to officially cut the ribbons open thousands $250,000 foreigner startups fish fry's. {Why try make this up}. Amen!

proudloudandfnm 6 years, 9 months ago

Damn. Freeport is dead and gone and THIS is what Pakeisha feels compelled to speak on?!?!?


banker 6 years, 9 months ago

Oh fer fook's sakes. Someone lend Minnis some balls to tell his wife to sit small.

Sickened 6 years, 9 months ago

Mrs. Minnis please let this story die a quiet death. Nothing good will come of it if you pursue this dream. Get on the public speaking circuit and do your thing from there. Kudos for wanting to make a difference but there are better ways at this moment.

TalRussell 6 years, 9 months ago

Oh Comrades, there's nothing likes the power of red shirts MP's Pakeisha and Lanisha, getting behind the luncheons power of how best use the 'Public Purse.'
Did they not read of the families of the working poor and near poor - being required pay cash strapped PMH morgue body release fees - ranging from $50 to $700, before they can toss their family members in back station wagon? ( Pakeisha and Lanisha is not Fake made up red shirts MP's...... they actually can be touched in the flesh, for real. It's understanding them that's the difficult part?}.

Truism 6 years, 9 months ago

and here I was thinking that the office of the children of the prime minister should be established to speak to matters effecting children. LOL

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 9 months ago

Mrs Christie, Mrs Pindling and Mrs Ingraham seemed to do quite well without staff. This is just another off the deaf PR idea from the Minnis camp. Don't they realize that they just fired some people, are raising rates at the hospital, talking about taxing for NHI, raising NIB contribution rates and implementing income tax??? Exactly how many resources would be needed to run this office? Please stop with the PR and just run the country

TalRussell 6 years, 9 months ago

Comrade ThisIsOurs, the wives former prime minsters Pindling Christie and Papa Hubert never asked or accepted for a red penny from the public purse. Give MP's Pakeisha and Lanisha some spending rope and they'd have Santa Clause and his entourage reindeer's on the public purse. Who would want put Santa under Imperial red cabinet monetary control, there out window goes the true spirit Christmas we were all raised on.

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 9 months ago

Lanishs did wear that inexplicable ginormous bow to her swearing in to the senate that one time....

TalRussell 6 years, 9 months ago

Comrade, go peep in her window see if there's a ginormous Christmas tree topper bow in sight? Even a ginormous bow deserves recyclable chance at spreading some elevated holiday cheer!

birdiestrachan 6 years, 9 months ago

One has to give it to the Parker woman what a actress. She did weep and mourn for the people of Dominica. Both of these ladies are being paid more than they deserve, Now they want the PM wife on the gravy train. What exactly are the qualifications of the PM's wife. or being the wife is all that counts??

If only the PM and Parker had done 1/3 of what they did for Dominica for Ragged Island.

Socrates 6 years, 9 months ago

'nuff said i guess..😁😁

sheeprunner12 6 years, 9 months ago

No, Socrates....... we have seen this play out in the USA (with the Clintons and the Trumps) ....... and this does not end well ........... and we have black examples of this recently in South Africa (Mandelas) and Zimbabwe (Mugabes) .......... Political spouses should support not co-govern.......... Maybe, all of these PM (female) spouses believe they can be Eva Peron or Eleanor Roosevelt .............. But they need to take their cue from HRH Prince Philip.

TalRussell 6 years, 9 months ago

Comrade Sheeprunner12, back in 1959 prior to the departure of HRH Prince Phillip from Nassau Town - HRH did deposit some his thing impregnated a close and dear friend our family who 9 months later produced a really painted with the lick-da-brush baby boy......who grew up play drums in one of the most well known hotel bands of their day...in fact, band members always called him their Conch Joe drummer.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 9 months ago

BOL ....... we have bastard royalty right here??????? ........ JOKES!!!!!!!

TalRussell 6 years, 9 months ago

Comrade, yep, royalty in the midst, close family members in the well kept family secret always would jokingly refer him as our own HRH Conchy Joe!

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