No Office of the Spouse

EDITOR, The Tribune.

OFFICE of Spouses for politicians? No, no, no... they are unelected and if this was implemented the sole reason would be to add state funding to the political office through the back door.

The spouse of a politician has a choice - be active or be as quiet as a house mouse. It is a personal decision and The State has no reason to financially support that.

New Bahamian Awards - good idea if The Bahamas was a republic and then we would not further qualify for honours from Her Majesty but our boys love those British Honours and will hold on to them for as long as possible.

Question will be does a British Knighthood have greater importance than a Bahamian honour? Little headache, I see, as her Majesty is ‘Queen of the Bahamas’ so an honour granted by the Head of State surely comes over all others?



December 14, 2017.


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