Politics of elections

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A few weeks ago, the Hon Alfred Gray made what I believe to be a sobering statement - sort of was like... well with 6,000 new jobs the election is swung!

If his statement holds water then with 154 votes, those of the people they provided jobs to, in each Constituency he feels the PLP is ensured they will win.

I have thought about this a lot and it is extremely scary if that is so that we are down to a set number of people being taken out of unemployment for five years that swings an election?

Is Minister Gray thinking Bahamians are that gullible?

Think again - the pain in those homes of the unemployed since 2008 some eight plus years still holds and be assured Bahamians don’t forget and no election campaigning this time will sweeten that pot. 2012 tolds us ‘Jobs for Bahamians’, have you seen them?

Yes, the Chinese did exceptionally well and continue to as if they are more protected than us ... Chinese voting this time?

Boundary changes? The Opposition rep signed on so unless he is an absolute idiot he is telling us that the changes are legitimated and warranted.

Name changes? Boy this PLP will drown in this racial issue - haven’t they realised today it is not pre-1967, our young people are educated, went to school with every ethnic group around – they are boy friend-girl friend and have married?

Obviously from the comments of the PM he thinks by having a series of Heads of Agreement signings this will swing da people. He is going to be reassured he has miscalculated.

I laughed that he confirmed that finally he will be canvassing in his Constituency - better take someone along to introduce you, sir - Farm Road - Centreville haven’t seen you in person since 2012.

Interesting part of Barnabas comes from Farm Road.

Register - register today the indication is PM will announce in a week or so for May 10th or May 19th Election Day.

There is enormous democratic power in your ‘X’ - use it.

Those suggesting people should ‘spoil their ballot’ stop that talk - protest in the streets but not on your Ballot. Stop it - cut that out now!



February 10, 2017.


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