BRENT SYMONETTE announces his bid for the Free National Movement's candidacy in St Anne's for the general election at his office on Tuesday morning. Photo: Terrel W Carey/Tribune Staff
Deputy Chief Reporter
FORMER Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette, who served under the 2007-2012 Ingraham administration, has announced his intention to run on the Free National Movement’s (FNM) ticket in the next general election for the St Anne’s constituency.
During a press conference at his East Bay Street office on Tuesday, Mr Symonette, 62, said he informed FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis of his decision.
However, Mr Symonette will still have to face all of the normal party procedures, including vetting from the FNM’s Candidate’s and Investigative committees, before his bid with the organisation is set in stone.
Hubert Chipman now serves as St Anne’s MP and has said publicly that this will be his last term in frontline politics.
Full story, see Wednesday's Tribune
Honestman 8 years ago
I can see an FNM cabinet taking shape unlike with the DNA. This is good news for Minnis.
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years ago
The same dead beat politicians who have accomplished nothing for the country in the past keep coming back to the trough for more. This one is well known for his propensity to direct lucrative government contracts the way of his family owned businesses. Many of us remember well the generous government paving contract he directed to his family paving business a few years back while he was serving as a cabinet minister. And that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this man's willingness to turn a blind eye to conflict of interest situations involving the government that put a lot of money in his family's bank accounts. The good people of St. Anne's deserve so much better than this greedy oligarch.
realfreethinker 8 years ago
That is an old story and he was punished for his actions. At least with the FNM one is punished for one's misdeeds,with corrupt group of misfits we have now you are rewarded GET OVER IT
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years ago
It's voters like you who are willing to forgive and forget who have our country mired in the very dismal political state that it is in today. You no doubt are probably one who has forgiven Shameless Shane for the "old story" regarding his grave transgressions involving Anna Nicole, including the infamous gold Rolex watch that he so proudly wears to this day. Presumably you have managed to "GET OVER IT" too when it comes to Shameless Shane's instances of egregious misconduct, or George Smith's for that matter!
realfreethinker 8 years ago
Your assumption would be incorrect sir/madam. I have moved way beyond Shane and Brent problems. Neither of them can get my vote. I just made a point,that bringing these stuff up now adds nothing to the equation. You need to direct this comment to those people in Golden gates who continue to elect that criminal
John 8 years ago
Well_mudda_take_ sick, get over it and get a life...ther has to be some light at the end of this dark tunnel, some ray of hope, some leap of fate, some shower of blessing. It can't all be doom and gloom. And you seem to want to paint everyone with the same brush. Hope you don't live in a glass house.
licks2 8 years ago
You know dat yoon making no sense aye? I think dat you just did not expected rocin doc to reach the place to very likely be we next PM. . .
Publius 8 years ago
I see that he announced his candidacy instead of the party doing so. Anyone with eyes can see what this is going to be the start of.
BoopaDoop 8 years ago
Leadership challenge if he gets his seat but Doc loses his?
Publius 8 years ago
Minnis does not need to lose his seat. The post of Prime Minister is an appointed post, not an elected post. When a Party wins, the elected members can advise the GG that someone other than their party leader commands their support in the House. That person would then be appointed PM. I wasn't suggesting that this will happen in my original post, but it can. Many Bahamians do not know or understand this. What I was alluding to however, was the inner party dynamics and how this is going to turn very dicey very quickly.
licks2 8 years ago
So then our PM will be Mr. Symonette. . .so what is ya point? and why should doc keep him out just because he can "pull" an LBT on him. . .you forget that doc done beat BS, HI, LBT, the seven et al. . .and the seven melt down in the upper and lower house! The FNM has now "tunt" into doc PARTY. . .the new era has begun! Besides, Mr Symonette brings a whole lot of skills and experience to the table. . .PLUS HE WHITE!
jackbnimble 8 years ago
Dang. I was thinking the same thing. Doc is surrounding himself with people who can oust him and take his place!
licks2 8 years ago
DDK 8 years ago
All SOME of us can do is criticize.
licks2 8 years ago
Here we go again. . .now they will "eat" Mr. Symonette now that he "playin" with rocin doc!!!
Alex_Charles 8 years ago
While I am not a Brent fan nor do I approve of his comments on voting for Trump... I must say this is good news for the FNM. This election cycle got more interesting, from Perry flipping the bird, to Keod intimidating a Supreme Court judge..... damn.
This is gonna be one hell of a showdown
Voltaire 8 years ago
What this means is that $$$ from Eastern Road and Lyford Cay will now begin to flow. Good news for Minnis indeed.
TalRussell 8 years ago
Comrades! Just goes to prove so as Ezekiel was connected dem dry bones, the Red Movement have, is and will always be connected to the foots, hip and thigh bones of the former UBP.
I'm not saying that is necessarily a bad thing. But a political fact that Papa Hubert was politically smart enough to recognize and respect during his time in official opposition, and why he stayed in power 15 years.
Welcome back home, former DPM Brent. It eems you've finally sorted out the Loretta and Bran things?
Publius 8 years ago
What is his money supposed to do for the FNM just weeks before a general election? Pouring oil into a bottle full of holes still results in a messy floor and a slipping hazard for everyone in that room.
alfalfa 8 years ago
Not front page news for me. He is a relic of the past who should retire on his immense wealth. He has changed his mind about not supporting a party run by Minnis, to saying he would only run if he was made Deputy Leader, now this. To quote Big Bad Brad, a flip-flopper.
Publius 8 years ago
Well only the party can elect him deputy leader. Deputy Prime Minister meantime holds no constitutional weight and is simply another member of the cabinet, so that post is not a power play if that is what Brent may be thinking.
licks2 8 years ago
You just jumping all around the place to say that BS is likely to be DPM in the HOA and Mr. Turnquest the deputy party leader. . . the DPM is next "power" position dat will move forward if by chance the PM is done away with. . .
Publius 8 years ago
If you were not one who demonstrates a distinct and clear lack of reading comprehension abilities, I might engage.
licks2 8 years ago
Ha. . .yoon making sense here now. . .my record speaks for itself. . .reading comprehension is my business and churning out reasoned position paper for international interests is what I do daily. . .or do you mean that because I don't tow your line yoon talking to me! I cool wid dat. . .but our round-table on this site shows yoon in my category. . .But I do believe you can be. . .if you just take a more balanced approach and reason out rather than "hate out" on persons you don't like!
DDK 8 years ago
TalRussell 8 years ago
Comrades! Time do do away with the position of Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) It's an extra taxpayers expense to prop up an honorary position in the Cabinet. The DPM, has never succeed the PM, and Papa Hubert made that crystal clear to his DPM Brent.
The most powerful of all our nation's DPM's, was A.D. "Mitch" Hanna, and even "Mitch" was never considered the successor to PM Pindling. Truth be told - DPM's have never grown politically under any of our PM's. It's a step closer to - out the door you go.
licks2 8 years ago
Tal that was because all our PMs picked a weak/not greedy DPM. . .doc will pick a strong one. . .which is the right thing to do. . .just in case BS has to take over as PM!!
John 8 years ago
so who acts as prime minister when he is out of town? go study ole boy. They are not necessary successors to PM's but their 'stand ins" to ensure that their wishes and policies are carried out in their absence. Even in the US most vice presidents do not succeed the president.
licks2 8 years ago
Yes to all above. . .party politics have their "leader-in-waiting" already picked out among party memebers. . .in the Bahamas DPM don't have a constitutional slide in if the PM is incapacitated. . .within parties, the DPM is implied to be next in line to meet the constitutional mandated "majority support in the HOA" . . .but In dem there USAs. . .death of the president is constitutionally guaranteed that the VP takes over. . . i.e., Kennedy assignation in Dallas, VP Johnson flew back to DC as Mr. President. . .
proudloudandfnm 8 years ago
Ok. If the plan is to pust Minnis shortly after election and put Brent in place I'll go register now....
proudloudandfnm 8 years ago
Ok. If the plan is to oust Minnis shortly after election and put Brent in place I'll go register now....
licks2 8 years ago
You don't learn there fella. . . EEN NOBODY ON YA RUN WITH YA OBSESSION WITH GETTING RID OF THE DOC. . .ya train done gone and left you behind. . .doc and them done departed the building. . .you can stay here or go a catch-up yinna train or you ger miss that ride all the way to government house. . .I een know why yall going there. . .but yinna doc say yinna gern there! Lol!
John 8 years ago
Brent Symnonette will make a good second man behind Minnis. As PM he may lose site of the poor and less fortunate and be tempted to cater to the rich and famous. He has a broad band of experience in politics and in government. Minnis has tolerance and endurance and should be given an opportunity. Obviously Christie is running scared, so much so, he is throwing up the bird sign (middle finger). The PLP has soo many skeletons in their closets they will fight this election to the death. With Brent Symnonette running it brings strength to the FNM. Hopefully he will be allowed to take the number two post. And if Butler-Turner and her ^ rebels or some of them) decide to return this will make the FNM the strongest it has been in 5 years and with the greatest possibility of winning the election, even without any coalition, either from the DNA or any other party. Some of those smaller groups may fall off before elections anyway.
Honestman 8 years ago
Agree with most of your post except the reference to LBT. She has "shot her bolt" and can add nothing to the FNM.
Publius 8 years ago
Now comes the nauseating race-based arguments on both sides; those who have an issue because he is a mulatto (though white to the eye), and those who want us to believe he is white, and that this by itself makes him the person every "intelligent" person should want to be Prime Minister.
licks2 8 years ago
This one black vote that he has no problem getting. . .and I old. . .these young people dem een into that foolishness! Mr. Symonette is the shot across the bow the PLP feared!
PastorTroy 8 years ago
UBP SHALL RISE AGAIN. FACT: Not all Caucasians or people of European descent are racist. That said, however, during this 'Trump' era, 'whiteness' have become emboldened in their quest for total world leadership domination. Former DPM Brent entering the political scene in The Bahamas should be no surprise, especially after his honest comment about voting for U.S President Trump (HE CAN'T, I KNOW THIS). There is a popular saying in the rural and ultra conservative southern USA states, "The South Shall Rise Again" Bahamians can continue to be naive and embrace the European Colonialist agenda, in small, very political and financially influential circles IN THE BAHAMAS, there is a deep resentment for Bahamian 'Black leadership' or the lack thereof; regardless of political affiliation, unless that individual embrace or compliments the former UBP agenda in The Bahamas. Shame on Religious and Political 'Leaders' who turn a blind eye to the source of many of the divide and rule tactics being played on Bahamians by the ruling elite because of greed. WE NEED A REVOLUTION IN THE BAHAMAS!!!
Honestman 8 years ago
Yes we do and its NOTHING TO DO WITH COLOUR but everything to do with ETHICS.
TalRussell 8 years ago
Comrades! Putting aside the pros and cons to Bren'ts desire to contest come the 2017 General, forgive me if I shine the spotlight on weaknesses when it's the Candidate and not the party -making the media pitch. Maybe, Brent's been talking too much politics with Bran and Long Island's MP "Reheasa?
Would've been really exciting newsworthy news item - had the three "Teammates" held a joint press conference?
Voltaire 8 years ago
Tal - dont let this fool you. Brent is making the announcement because HAI has explained to Minnis that it would look better this way. It is pure strategy. Minnis has branded himself as the grassroots "people's" candidate and so he can't be parading UBPs about the place. But now the UBP dollars are in play. Your PLP better hurry up give Nygard dem what they want so they can be properly funded!
TalRussell 8 years ago
Comrade Voltaire, contrary to what has been expressed by some the former DPM's own cabinet colleagues, I welcome any UBP to contest come the 2017 General. The Good Lord knows, Brent is not alone when I could easily name at least (5) committed to the UBP ideology, who done are announced Red Movement candidates fixed to run in UBP voter based constituencie.
The UBP financed airwaves established under Papa Hubert, are too now putting their political operatives in place to peddle UBP propaganda for 2017 - while the PM is left all alone with that ragtime ZNS radio and TV.
birdiestrachan 8 years ago
No news here he cannot help himself why the long delay. rest assured. he comming to get "Roc with Doc" The Devil is in the details. The man is cold.
licks2 8 years ago
So if he can "out cold" doc why he cannot become our PM. . . BS is a well suited person for our PM. . .him and doc will get things done post haste. . .I don't speak good for doc around here because I know or like him. . .he was just better than what the LBT faction of the FNM was giving us. . .doc was just better. . .now BS is one sharp man. . .maybe he should have gone up against doc in the first place. . .now if he out "doc" the doc and become PM. . .the Bahamas would have benefited from it. . .big deal!
TalRussell 8 years ago…
John 8 years ago
The government should be represented of the people. The white citizens of the country should be represented in government, on the police force, the defense forces, the hospital staff and the prison population. Did I miss anything?
SP 8 years ago
Totally Agreed, However, Brent Does NOT Represent White Bahamians!
Brent Symonette represents PIRACY, not white Bahamians.
This man only cares about protecting his aragonite mining group of pirates and could care less about white or black Bahamians.
alfalfa 8 years ago
John, I couldn't agree with you more. However, just being white does not qualify one to represent the "caucasian" citizens of the country. Good Character and commitment to serve all of the Bahamas should be prerequisites. These qualities are sorely lacking in many of our MP's, Black, White, Mulatto, Conchy Joe, or whatever. This is one that would not, in my opinion, qualify.
licks2 8 years ago
Where you been living fer real? Brent Symonette don't qualify? I glad you said ya opinion. . .HA!
SP 8 years ago
What Qualifies Brent? What Has He Contributed, Blind Trust TEEFEN?
Abaconian 8 years ago
things starting to heat up now.
TalRussell 8 years ago
Comrades! I've always believed that only the constituents get to decide who will represent them and who does not.
Pop Jr., has unfairly received his share of colour bias media coverage.
Although, I haven't exactly overlooked Pop Jr's, public cheerleader role - when it comes to the member for Long Island "Reheasa" - there is quality usefulness to this still on the young side politician.
Pop Jr., has remained loyal to his Bahamland, and unlike some other politicians - whom I'd toss in the dumpster, I respect Pop Jr.
sheeprunner12 8 years ago
Don't be fooled by what Perry is saying about Minnis .......... Doc is far more shrewd than many think and we will all be present when Minnis unveils his political war-chest in the next few weeks ............ Don't mind the PLP detractors who spend time slinging mud at the Opposition (while they are stink as shit) .......... This will be won by generals on the ground
TalRussell 8 years ago
Comrade Sheeprunner12, sure generals on the ground are important but the difficult task facing the Red Movement heading into the 2017 General is, 10 of their party's candidates, couldn't be any more smeared in controversy over how they got their nomination nods.
And, 10 of the party's other candidates are simply not cut out for major league politics, and no I don't want at this early stage to be naming names. The party has 7 Coup involved MP's and even before the coup, none had a decent shot of being nominated by the party - much less being reelected back to the House of Assembly.
Comrade, pick any of the 7 Coup MP's seats and you'd have be one political genius to predict what the results will be after the votes are cast and counted come the 2017 General.
If the Reds think all they have to do is run Wash em, Dry em, Press em - to win the government - they are in for the shock they political lives - no matter how many millions you spend campaigning..
Face it, the Red Movement is is one major political mess and there's no hiding it from voters.
Many will be praying for the Reds to win but placing their bets on the prime minister.
banker 8 years ago
Minnis has survived everything that a lesser man would have lost or given up. But if you take a look at who he's got around him -- Brent's money brains, Dionisio's business brains, Jeff Lloyds intellect, Reuben Rahming's organisational skills (the only one to get jitney drivers to wear uniforms), Peter Turnquest who can play politics, the accounting abilities of Reece Chipman, Adrian Gibson, Albury. There are more brains, intellect and enlightenment here than a thousand PLPs. There are a few not-so-hot as well, including the FNM Fweddy, but I think that Minnis has a stronger, more intelligent and better bench than the PLP kleptocrats and their pet dork, Crisco Butt.
gangof4 8 years ago
100% in agreement.
proudloudandfnm 8 years ago
All I want from the FNM is a vote of no confidence in Minnis within 10 days if they win...
He gots to go...
licks2 8 years ago
Why must he go so badly. . .because you don't like him. . .yoon making much sense again! The FNM party and the bigger part of the nation are talking unity for liberation of the nation from the PLP and you still running on about whether doc is a human or from Mars or some dumb thing like that. . . I really don't care if they "jook him up again". . .but they better bear in mind the political corps laying in his wake. . .Papa, LBT, the seven, the old guard of the FNM, the PLP and et al. . .doc could very well handle yinna. . .but if BS lead the charge and "take doc job" like LBT did. . .so what. . .yinna have some high power persons in that party now. . .they can run a government. . .Lo! You keep making the mistake and thinking that we the public on ya run wid ya war against doc. . .I am just as comfortable wid BS as PM as with doc. . .so either way. . .enough with the barking at the doc moving car. . .Lol!
Greentea 8 years ago
I like the acronym BS for Symonette. Seems apropo. That he would announce his candidacy without going through the party process shows what a bunch of BS the process really is. I think we have had enough BS on all fronts and this BS needs to sit his tired self down. If he can show me ten initiatives- I would lower it to five - that he was personally responsible for while in government all those years, I would publicly change my tune on him. But my guess is that BS would be hard pressed- like most politrickans to come up with anything he personally can put his stamp on. The Bahamas doesn't need him. Doc should tell him, if he wants to run, he have to run in St. Barnabas!
SP 8 years ago
.............. Brent Symonette Desperate To Protect His Aragonite Pirates Shipmates .............
This man is one of the biggest "pirates of the Bahamas".
Everytime he is in empowered he immediately dives into the cookie jar to enrich himself. Last time he used "blind trust" as an excuse to run amok with millions from the Treasury.
Keep this THIEF out of our Parliament!…
licks2 8 years ago
Boy. . .ya can't give them FNMs anything and they stop carrying on like lil spoiled children. . . first they did not like doc. . .they jook him up all of four years plus. . .they praised LBT and supported her in pushing doc face in the mud. . .they called for BS et al. . .now BS joined up with doc. . ."BS een no good no more" . . . they put LBT in front as the faction's best choice. . .doc beat she hip 3 times. . .she took his job in HOA. . .the best and brightest in the party followed the doc. . .LBT proved to be a shell leader. . .their bag man for the LBT faction now joins with the doc. . .they bitching about him now. . .I gee on yall FNMs. . .Lol! I guess we thte people have to just leave yinna be. . .we can see some light at the end of that PLP tunnel. . .lol! I guess the "slippery" doc will just have to call election and dissolve the HOA at the first sign of yinna skulduggery. . .BRING YINNA BACKSIDE RIGHT BACK TO THE PEOPLE IN SHORT ORDER. . .LET US WHIP YALL TAILS FOR BEING SLIMMY!
sheeprunner12 8 years ago
At some point in time ............ this curse of in-fighting by FNMs must be cast out of the party ...... Where is Rev. Miriam Emmanuel and Rev. Fred McAlpine??????? ........ Get the holy oil and cast out this disgusting FNM jealousy sperrit ......... The PLP has devils' horns a-ton and you don't hear them hollering on the streets (except in St. Barnabas & Freetown)
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