We have giants to slay

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Forty-three years after Independence, our wonderful nation is still bedeviled and perplexed by racial and economic dislocations.

Yes, we did achieve a measure of political independence but by and large we have regressed big time.

Twenty-five per cent of the population “controls” the economy with the benign assistance of the so-called “house” negroes.

Large and medium sized businesses and assorted practices in the professions are still dominated by a minority, be it white or black.

If you do not belong to one or the other of the two major political entities, you are relegated to stand on the outside while looking in. The unwashed masses are consigned to a life of meagre existence and a whole bunch of “problems” throughout their “miserable” lives.

In 2017, this must change or we have ourselves become agents of change and progress. There can be no other way. The PLP and the FNM could both have done more to assist our people in assisting themselves.

Bahamians, by and large, are too passive and we have gotten used to the culture of the bull and dependency. This must change in 2017.

It is unfortunate that Majority Rule Day has come to be viewed as a political football of the PLP, exclusively, when it is, in fact, a celebration of the masses of Bahamians breaking the political and societal shackles which had us bound for hundred of years.

The FNM, et al, of course, ceded that bogus position to the PLP because none of them in opposition are ever really able to “celebrate” any event of national importance that they did not themselves promulgate.

We are one or so we like to say God willing, I would like to see the creation and establishment of A National Heroes Park up at Fort Charlotte.

We do not do a good job at recognising our national builders. This, too, must change.

We have travelled far but there is much more road to cover, many more mountains to climb and a lot more giants to slay, Happy Majority Rule Day!

To God then, in all things be the glory.



January 5, 2016.


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