Butler-Turner in grassroots plan

Loretta Butler-Turner, leader of Opposition in the House of Assembly.

Loretta Butler-Turner, leader of Opposition in the House of Assembly.


Tribune Staff Reporter


PLANS appear to be in motion for the establishment of a new political faction, with Official Opposition Leader Loretta Butler-Turner revealing that she is laying the foundation for an “organic grassroots movement” inclusive of the other six dissident Free National Movement members of Parliament.

In a confidential email obtained by The Tribune, Mrs Butler-Turner sent out a call for support to her political base, urging them to “take action to rid ourselves of the status-quo that governs our Bahamas.”

It has not been confirmed, however, if Mrs Butler-Turner is forming a new party nor could she be reached yesterday for clarification. Her email states that the group envisions “an independent movement of election candidates”.

The email, while noting the work that still has to be carried out by the group, does present several key aspects of a budding political organisation including a symbol, the goatskin drum; a signature colour, blue; and a brand message, “a new evolution of our people, for our people”.

The leaked confidential email read: “We, the magnificent seven need your assistance.

“It is imperative that we take action to rid ourselves of the status quo that governs our Bahamas. We propose that we build an organic grassroots movement of the people for our people.

“The apathy of our people demonstrate that they are ready to embrace a new direction. Courageous, bold new leadership is needed now.”

It continued: “Time is short. Resources must be released. Our most powerful resource is the people. Millennials, the poor and our seniors are a huge part of the forgotten man/woman syndrome, because they are neither friend, family or lover of the career politician.”

In the email, Mrs Butler-Turner also asked for help from social media experts, graphic artists, innovators, thinkers, change agents, musicians and volunteers.

“Are you willing to assist? Do you know others who will be willing to give of their skills, talents and resources?

The email added: “Needed are a mixture of youth and experience; men and women; blacks, whites, browns; civic; religious; skilled and unskilled; every Bahamian.

“The red, yellow and even the green parties have done little to advance a real plan for our Bahamas and our citizens.”

The email comes just days after the Long Island MP confirmed that her bid for re-election in that constituency in the upcoming general election would be as an independent candidate and weeks after insisting that she was forming a “very powerful and bold” coalition with Senator Branville McCartney and the Democratic National Alliance (DNA).

In December 2016, after ousting FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis as leader of the Official Opposition in Parliament and obtaining the position, Mrs Butler-Turner appointed DNA Leader Mr McCartney as leader of opposition business in the Senate.

At the time Mrs Butler-Turner said the move was evidence that her team was willing to put the Bahamian people first to move forward to defeat the governing PLP.

Announcing the decision at the time, she insisted that she and the six FNM MPs who support her had not joined the DNA, but were working together for a “common good.”

Mr McCartney in response to those coalition claims told The Tribune that he was “unaware” of any such agreement between his party and Mrs Butler-Turner.

Mr McCartney at the time reiterated previous comments from DNA Deputy Leader Chris Mortimer, saying if anyone wanted to become members of the DNA or a candidate there is a procedure that must be followed.


Sickened 7 years, 8 months ago

Sorry, what did she say; I wasn't paying attention?

Honestman 7 years, 8 months ago

Too late. This idea is dead in its tracks.

Publius 7 years, 8 months ago

And even if not, it would not work with her being involved. What a stellar hypocrite she is to suddenly have a problem with political parties when she had no problem with parties as long as she was the standard bearer for one of them, and when she herself has been behind the scenes trying to get people to form a party with her but no one; not even the six who signed with her, wants anything to do with her now that it is all said and done.

Publius 7 years, 8 months ago

Top three most sickening politicians in The Bahamas - Christie and Minnis tied for 1st and Butler-Turner in 3rd.

Can residents still have people committed? So now she is co-opting the We March mantra regarding the status quo? There is absolutely nothing about this that is unique to Butler-Turner. Once again she is trying to hop on someone else's bandwagon and pretend to be the creator thereof as she did in Long Island in the aftermath of Joaquin. Bringing independent candidates together is something already started or conceptualized by at-least two formal groups in this country; none of which are looking for a leader in Butler-Turner. She has got to be one of the most desperately delusional persons in Bahamian politics that I have seen in a while. She is literally through every nook and cranny begging any and everyone to affirm her and give her another title. And since she is so detached from reality, she doesn't realize that nobody cares anymore what she does, where she does it and with whom. Though I cannot speak for Long Island, I would imagine that many Bahamians there don't much care either, anymore.

licks2 7 years, 8 months ago

Just don't count her out as yet. . .there must have been something that those "white UBP/FNMs" saw in her to have chosen her as their standard bearer in their "war on doc" campaign. . .she now stands abandoned. . .beaten. . .called delusional. . .desperate. . .but still trying to manipulate public support and relevance! However the thinking about LBT, she can take licks, she knows that she must never again allow others to cower in the background and fight their battles trough you. . .from behind!! She said that she never loses. . .she learn! Just like they "shaved off" plenty rough edges from doc. . .they are now doing the same for LBT. . .but I think that this site. . .WHO SANG HER PRAISES. . .now calls her all manner of lowbrow names. . .and to think yall were her cheering section against yall rocin doc for the last 3 years or so! Now here fans are "stepping on her". . .what a group them FNMs are so. . .so power hungry they will step on "they ma" to get their way!!

Child when ya gat them FNMs dem supporting ya from behind. . .the first bus engine ya hear behind ya back. . .get outta way. . .DAT BIG RED BUS IS ACOMING TO ROLL OVA YA! Lol!!

banker 7 years, 8 months ago

The Magnificent Seven has turned in the Magnificent Six with Edison Key wandering around Nassau, showing up at random rallies.

Victor 7 years, 8 months ago

There is not near enough time to form any sort of new political party. I do not believe any of the other six MPs plan to run, anyway. What is the point of a new party? Ms. Butler-Turner would do best to just run as an independent in LI and see if she can beat the FNM and then leverage her position as an independent depending on how close the results are. There are not enough PLP votes in LI to win even with a split vote, so no real danger of that.

TalRussell 7 years, 8 months ago

Comrades! The self-described as The "Magnificent" Seven lead by "Raheasa" the (Independent) Member for Long Island are one hell of an "official" opposition... Just saying - right?
Mr. Speaker Kendal Major, this is not longer funny okay. Shouldn't the mere mentions of a "Goat and Goatskins" - set off alarm bells for you that it's time you reign in the Seven-Coup's MP's, and demand some serious answers from them - like - who in the hell do you Seven "officially represent" in the People's House of Assembly, and why shouldn't I communicate to The Queen of England that Her Majesty made a terrible mistake in ordering Minnis to forthwith surrender to "Raheasa" his government automobile, license plates, driver and reserved sparking spot?


licks2 7 years, 8 months ago

Tal ha can you forget da office there so? Lol!

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 8 months ago

I haven't read a word The Tribune, Nassau Guardian, The Punch, etc. has written about LBT or listened to a word this loonie tune of an "all for me" woman has said on radio or TV since her appointment of the billy-goat (Rodney Moncur) as a senator. LBT is history best forgotten as far as all of us are concerned.

John 7 years, 8 months ago

It is amazing how Michael Halkitis speech at the PLP's convention has put him on the defensive for how he tried to explain away the VAT money. So he will now have to hit the election campaign not as being one of the most honest and trusted candidates in the PLP, but some who was willingly to take the fall (and destroy his reputation) for his party.

Sickened 7 years, 8 months ago

I was soooo embarrassed for him on Guardian Radio today. My boy couldn't give any sensible answer as to where any of the vat money gone. Candia made him look like a unprepared child forced to give a presentation in front of a class.

Honestman 7 years, 8 months ago

Halkitis is a lightweight and carries zero credibility being a member of the yellow mafia.

John 7 years, 8 months ago

Can you imagine... Over one billion collected in VAT and no one in government can give a sensible and believable explanation as to where it went. Halkatis didn't realize the Bahamian taxpayer was not going to get swing like the die hard PLP's at the convention. He was not even prepared to defend his explanation for the vat. Really looked lame in the public ey e.

Publius 7 years, 8 months ago

We, the magnificent seven need your assistance.

But, it is only signed by her. Why? Because behind the scenes, the other six are saying that if they did try to do something, they do not want her as leader. In any event, it is clearly too late to try to form a political party. The election is weeks away now; no point in counting in months.

proudloudandfnm 7 years, 8 months ago

Another party ?!?!?!?

Is she high?!?!?

I have never seen someone destroy a political career so quickly. After convention all she had to do was wait. Minnis can't help but fail. Just wait and be ready when he does... damn..

licks2 7 years, 8 months ago

And you predicted that she would be better. . .do good and had the leadership vision than the doc! Mayhaps you have no idea what is what. . .JUST LIKE THE EST OF US!!

John 7 years, 8 months ago

Loretta Butler-Turner has single handedly dashed the hopes that so many thought this election would bring. If not change the government, then to create a stronger opposition and hence a better and more accountable government. Obviously her hunger for the leadership caused her to become over zealous and act out of character, or at least without common sense. Who in their right mind would vote for a gang of loosely organized independent party jumpers when they are looking for a more unified, honest, trustworthy and productive government. What benefit in there in voting for them? If they cannot unite and work together before the fact why even give them power. Is it too late for Loretta to redeem herself for the next election? Will she become a seatless and a party less wonder?

sheeprunner12 7 years, 8 months ago

LBT is history .................. please go and bury the dead

truetruebahamian 7 years, 8 months ago

Edison is an embarrassment. I give him no support. He was told to go and could not get the message. Anyone in touch with him is poisoned. R.D. Sands

realfreethinker 7 years, 8 months ago

lolololololo. I haven't laughed this much in a long time. nothing to see here moving right along

Publius 7 years, 8 months ago

Just as I said yesterday, now the six are confirming they know nothing about Butler-Turner's plans whereby she is lying on the rest of them regarding their so-called involvement.

truetruebahamian 7 years, 8 months ago

Edison should just retire with some grace.

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