Adrian Gibson

EDITOR, The Tribune

AS A descendant of a Long Islander, I cannot sit by and allow this attack on the Member of Parliament for Long Island, Adrian Gibson.

Just to recap, a week after election, young Mr Gibson decided to follow the lead of his constituents and say how disappointing it was for Long Island not to have a seat at the Cabinet table. Long Island was a serious fight, with Gibson going up against the incumbent, Loretta Butler-Turner, and winning the seat, hands down. Butler-Turner would have, through a plot with some of her colleagues, removed now Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis from his role as the leader of the Official Opposition.

MP Gibson has come under serious fire in social media recently for having the guts to say publicly what many of the 35 MPs who did not get a seat at the table are thinking. I can respect someone who hit the ground running and represented the thoughts of his constituents. They were of the impression that Long Island was a highly contested seat and would have been rewarded a prominent seat at the table if the electorate there delivered the torch on Election Day. They did what was expected of them in grand style and then were disappointed when there was no reciprocation.

When MP Gibson was interviewed by the press he said he and his constituents were disappointed with the lack of action towards Long Island … nothing else… nothing more. He expressed himself on behalf of the people whom he represents and there are no ill feelings between Prime Minister Minnis and himself. People need to stop stirring the trouble pot and start thinking of ways they can assist the new government with cleaning up the mess created by the former government. It is a mammoth task which needs every right thinking citizen of this country to put their shoulder to the wheel and move the engine along.

Instead of trying to run the new Long Island MP into the ground, one should start taking note of the shining record he is going to have as a representative. Gibson, a noted journalist and broadcaster, is both experienced and qualified to take on any prominent task put before him. Good things are going to be coming out of Long Island under the representation of MP Gibson.



May 29, 2017


Socrates 7 years, 1 month ago

may all be so, but dont give too much credit to Gibson... anybody who ran there as an FNM would have won the seat for the same reason LBT lost...

sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago

Long Islanders are not to be taken for granted by anyone .......... There is a reason why Long Islanders are respected for their work ethic and progressive attitude towards nation-building

We have Adrian Gibson's back

Honestman 7 years, 1 month ago

Adrian got ahead of himself. He is a political nubie and needs to learn from this.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 1 month ago

Long Island got everything it was entitled to, representation in the House of Parliament. THATS IT. There is no separate Min of Tourism for Exuma or Min of Agriculture for Andros etc etc. The cabinet covers the ENTIRE Bahamas. I cannot believe that Mr Gibson thought that he was somehow "special". There were 35 MPs but only 16 cabinet postings available. Mr Gibson should be thankful that he won his seat and ever grateful for whatever appointment Gods grace grants him. Be a good steward of thsy position and someone will notice that you are deserving of more.

To let a few people stoke him up like this makes him look very amateurish

ThisIsOurs 7 years ago

I said "house of parliament"....

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 1 month ago

I'm wondering if there's some special head gas in the House of Assembly...they were just normal men yesterday....

screwedbahamian 7 years ago

Perhaps Mr. Gibson was running for a cabinet Ministers position, but the great people of Long Island elected him instead as THEIR representative in the House of Parliament. IT ALL THE PEOPLES TIME!!!

sheeprunner12 7 years ago

It is refreshing that a rookie government MP is not afraid to state his intention of aspiring to become a Cabinet Minister .......... anyone with common sense ought to know that if you sit in the "inner circle", that you will have more influence, access to resources and investment opportunities for your constituents ............ Those touting that Adrian Gibson should "sit small and wait till his name call" are operating in the SLOP mentality and not in an era when transparency and openness should be applauded ......... Maybe there are those (in the FNM????) who prefer Gibson to come to Parliament and crow and beg like Picewell Forbes for the past five years (IDK) ............ Hopefully the FNM will not operate in that manner

ThisIsOurs 7 years ago

No one is saying he "can't"be a cabinet minister or shouldn't"want" to be a cabinet minister, I for one am not even saying the selections were fair. But if you are not "chosen" you are simply not chosen. The position is not automatic. Be gracious and thankful for what you did get work to show everybody that it was a mistake NOT to select you. And if you have an issue take it up with Dr Minnis. It was very unseemly to go to the press crying

banker 7 years ago

I like the fire in the belly too. Shows that the MPs aren't a bunch of sheeple.

DaGoobs 7 years ago

Gibson got all that he was entitled to when he signed on to the FNM. No one other than the Prime Minister has an entitlement to a Cabinet seat. If and when Gibson distinguishes himself as a back bencher, maybe he will get a Cabinet appointment but until then his principal responsibility as an MP is to represent his constituents to the best of his ability and demonstrate to Dr Minnis why it might have been a mistake to have left him out of the Cabinet. Gibson has to show the world that he's a team player and not all about himself. He must remember that there is no "i" in team.

sheeprunner12 7 years ago

DaGoobs you are quite correct .......... and this has been all taken out of context (see my comment above) ........... If Minnis is correct that he will clean up the conduct of Cabinet Ministers and restrict the "pork" that is usually doled out by them ............... Then it may be better for young MPs to stay out of Cabinet, work in their private businesses, build up their resources and build street credibility in their communities ....... That will be the most noble route for the young rookie MPs to take ......... For what its worth

Regardless 7 years ago

...being a journalist does not automatically qualify you for anything save a seat in a radio talk show. Opinion writers are not managers. Cabinet requires managers to oversee the implementation of policies in the various ministries. Not that the new cabinet is entirely made up of successful managers. One cabinet minister was not even successful operating a pizza outlet.

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