Man dies after shooting in Mackey Street area

A man died in hospital after a shooting incident off Mackey Street on Monday night.

According to reports, shortly after 9:00pm, the man was standing outside a convenience store on Rosedale Street off Mackey Street, when two men armed with handguns emerged from a track road and shot him.

They then sped off in a green, single cab Ford Ranger truck. The victim was rushed to hospital in critical condition where he later died.

Investigations are ongoing.


PastorTroy 7 years, 4 months ago

Is it safe now for we all conclude now that there is a massive unlicensed gun problem in our Bahamaland? Nassau is just 7x21 until we get this problem under control, Nassau should be littered with a surveillance camera on every lamp pole. While this may be a knee-jerk reaction to a vexing problem, it's an action, hypocrite 'praying' about it, will do nothing but exasperate the situation, we must come up with some tangible action that will yield positive results, our country is dying, this 'cancer' must be dealt with. FYI: Did you know Cannabis LITERALLY cures cancer, and alcohol LITERALLY causes cancer? Which one is legal in our Bahamaland? There are no biblical teachings why cannabis should be illegal, however, there are many documented biblical and scientific reasons why 'strong drink' should not be consumed. One may ask "what does this have to do with young black men killing each other, and sometimes innocent bystanders at an alarming rate" R.O.I = Return On Investments; we are now living in the residual effects of our past lies (colonialist indoctrination) deeds (education is not important, but new pairs of Jordans for our 5 years old are) and inaction ( "I know they crooked but... I'm Red shirt, I'm Yellow shirt, I'm Green shirt) Dr. PM, respectfully, you are a student of science, don't lie to the people, tell them the truth EVEN and especially when it hurts, to comfort them will do more harm than good.

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