Shame of Christie’s lewd, tasteless, despicable gesture

EDITOR, The Tribune

THIS morning’s Nassau Guardian features a stunning photograph of our nation’s Prime Minister flipping the bird towards his critics.

One wonders if the political belligerence of US President Donald Trump has rubbed off on our PM and caused him to forget good, public decorum in favour of inappropriate, tasteless displays that are unbecoming of the holder of such high office.

Has Mr Christie run out of ideas? Is this his new approach to addressing issues?

Yes, in my short time on the political frontlines, I have come to have a greater appreciation for the vicissitude (and even stresses) of public life ... and I continue to learn. But to “stick up your middle finger”, knowing what such a gesture represents, is downright juvenile and unbecoming. It is simply unacceptable of any public office holder ... and most regrettable that it is done by our nation’s leader.

What will children - like my son and young Bahamians - think once they see such a representation from our Prime Minister? Certainly, children who engage in such lewd behaviour are reprimanded but what do you now say when they say that they saw the PM doing it?

Per the Bahamas’ Penal Code, could it be construed that the PM’s gesture is tantamount to an offence - namely disorderly conduct?

Forget politics for a minute. As a Bahamian, and the parent of a young and impressionable son, I am most appalled that Mr Christie chose to employ such a tactless approach to address his critics/naysayers.

Today, I am ashamed. Today, when my son sees the newspaper and asks me about this, I will have to figure out something to say.

Sadly, I have not yet figured out what to say.


FNM Candidate, 
Long Island,

February 28, 2017

EDITOR, The Tribune

WHEN Mr Christie entered the political arena some 40 years ago, he knew that politicians and their families are attacked.

I personally do not condone those attacks, but to use this as an excuse for his lewd gesture is unacceptable from any leader.

When he did this, he lowered himself into the same cesspit as the people who he claimed attacked him and his family.

In a country rife with murders, many of which are retaliatory in nature perpetrated by young men who lack the necessary skills to handle conflict peaceably, it is disheartening to see the Prime Minister of the Bahamas on the front page of one of the daily newspapers, flipping the bird.

In my opinion, the gesture is highly insulting and totally unbecoming of the leader of this nation. The fact that some people do not see anything wrong with it speaks to our decline into the abyss of the culture of disrespect.

We are no longer incensed by the lewd, crass and downright classless behaviour that is oftentimes publicly displayed. We have gone so far down the road of moral and social decay that we do not see the need to demand that our leaders display a certain amount of self restraint, diplomacy, decorum and servility.

What makes this whole thing so appalling is that the politicians know this. So, a sitting member of Parliament finds no need to think twice about saying how often he would beat his girlfriend. The offensive comments did not elicit the indignation that it should have. No pastors or religious leaders spoke out condemning the salacious comments. The politicians know that they can almost, in the words of Donald Trump when he was a candidate for the office of president, “shoot someone and not lose any votes”.

Sadly, he proved that in spite of his oftentimes lewd, crass, hateful, bigoted language many did not see this as a bar to not vote for him. It is sad commentary of the state of the world today.

I would hope that the Bahamian people do not let this gross mark of disrespect go unnoticed. They need to go to the polls in large numbers and flip the Prime Minister and his party the bird right back.


February 28, 2017

EDITOR, The Tribune

I NEEDED to write today to express my deep disappointment in what I saw last night and what followed.

Last night, the Prime Minister got up and flipped his middle finger at the country. This has never happened, in the history of this country, for a sitting Prime Minister to conduct himself in such a fashion. What was worse, as this was being done as Mr Christie was attempting to demonstrate the difference between himself and FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis, who he described as being unsuited for the job of PM!

No, Mr Christie, you are the one who is no longer suited for the job!

Now today I had hoped that the Prime Minister would have issued an apology, but instead he has sent out his hapless Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald and Minister of Agriculture V Alfred Gray. Both have no credibility in this country any longer. None! Fitzgerald let his constituents bathe in gasoline for a whole year to protect his job and Gray is a stooge for the Chinese, just like his boss!

But I heard on the news that both of these men tried to pass off the Prime Minister’s despicable display as a passionate defence of his family! What utter hogwash! How stupid do they believe Bahamians are?! We have the internet now ya know! We all have WhatsApp and we all saw the video for ourselves.

The Prime Minister clearly made his gesture after he was asked about his ownership in a condo development. Not one word was said about his blessed family, so stop with the damn games! Stop talking to Bahamians like we’re dumb! Wrong is wrong, and the whole a ya’ll got to go!

I would like to note for the record that the Prime Minister never answered that question. I look forward to seeing if he would prove to the Bahamian people that he doesn’t have an interest in that One Cable Beach place. We shall see!



February 28, 2017

EDITOR, The Tribune

WTH reference to the photograph on the front page of today’s edition of The Nassau Guardian.

With elections close upon us I note that the Prime Minister, in search of new and innovative motivational tools, has expanded his Trumpian repertoire to include not only alternative facts but also alternative gestures.

Pretty much sums up how he regards the rest of us, don’t you think?



February 28, 2017


John 7 years, 6 months ago

This is the same man who said he could go anywhere where in the world and speak about the 🇧🇸 Bahamas (unlike Hubert Minnis). He right! The middle finger is understood and means the same thing in every language and every culture in the world. The mad emperor is naked again.

birdiestrachan 7 years, 6 months ago

Mr: Christie made a mistake, . His enemies will have a field day. they will pontificate because they are perfect. They have never, ever made a mistake.

BMW 7 years, 6 months ago

Actually dumb bird they did make a mistake in 2012. Think you can figure that out?

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 6 months ago

For years now Crooked Christie has had no ability to feel or recognize the shame of his misdeeds. His soul has been taken by Lucifer and shall rightly burn in hell for all eternity.

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