Bahamas post service

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am finally to the point that I am resorting to writing to the newspaper even though I know that it will not really change anything. I am so beyond tired of the work ethic in our country.

A large populace of our work force have no pride in their performance at work no matter where they are employed. It seems to be that there is no concern about their job security, all they have to do is show up and hang around until time to go home.

That is what must be going on at our Post Offices. Here is a prime example: My car insurance bill was printed on JS Johnson letterhead on December 28, 2016.

JS Johnson stated that once the bills are printed and enveloped, they are sent to the Post Office to be stamped and mailed. The envelope was stamped January 31, 2017......that’s one month. I received it in my postal box on March 2, 2017. That’s two months to receive a bill.

My insurance expired on February 17, 2017, and I am very sure that had I had an accident I would have received no assistance from my insurance company.

Can anyone please explain how it can take two months to move an envelope from one box to another? 

Using our Postal Office for mailing anything important is just not a viable option.

Most companies are more often resorting to emailing their customer statements for two reasons, it’s less expensive, but more importantly, it will reach its destination!

Do you think that the Post Office jobs will become redundant?

Who would be to blame for that?

Oh, I forgot, you can’t be terminated if you work for government.

We must just continue to pay for nothing. Tired of Incompetence.




March 3, 2017.


OMG 7 years, 6 months ago

So true but that doesn't touch on the corruption. Years ago I had an annual subscription to Mechanics Illustrated. I got one then no more ? Then I subscribed to the airmail version of a popular UK newspaper. Got two then no more.Guess what ? the newspaper were able to confirm delivery right into Nassau. Finally I tried National Geographic. Paid my money got none. Obviously someone sorting mail sorts any magazines etc into their own pocket. Apart from the ridiculous time to get a letter from Nassau to the family islands the corruption by some employees is mind boggling.

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 6 months ago

Unfortunately all of our lazy and often corrupt government employees take their cue from the man at the top who professes to lead by example, i.e. Crooked Christie!

birdiestrachan 7 years, 6 months ago

Ms. Cartwright it is true that many Government employees, fall very short. But you should know when all of your Insurance payments are due, Put it on your calendar or full view. I am lucky because my Insurance agent will also call me. It is your responsibility to know when your insurance is due. The employees at the post office do not really care. .

Rhondascartwright 7 years, 6 months ago

Then what is the relevance of sending a "bill"?

birdiestrachan 7 years, 6 months ago

Do not put money in envelopes they will be sure to remove it a small birthday gift.. not worth buyiing a money order, gone. When I complained . they told me it was agaiinst the law to put money in envelopes. There may be some good folks who work for the Government.

B_I_D___ 7 years, 6 months ago

We are still receiving the odd Christmas card, post marked early-mid December...disgraceful.

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