That’s where the VAT has gone

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IT seems we are witnessing where the VAT money is going......official fancy banquets.

Big do over on PI-Atlantis during the visit of the Privy Counsellors.....was it necessary? I don’t think so possibly some function like a reception would have saved ‘ooo’s.

Banquet at British Colonial Hilton tonight for the President of Guyana.

Now the come from nowhere State visit - I remember under Sir Lynden right before an election he got then President Neyere to visit at short notice.

It is all imaging for none other than PM Christie.

‘What are the links between the Bahamas and Guyana? Zero except in CARlCOM.

I do note they found recently a large deposit of Oil.

Imagine trying to show PM Christie in an imperial role in contrast to Doc and any other potential. Tax payers paying.



March 3, 2017.


Sickened 7 years, 6 months ago

Next time you see Christie give him the one finger salute that he gave us. Trust me... it feels good!

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