We must stop the false news

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I MUST say truth in the News is becoming these days highly questionable and we have to be exceptionally careful when we read and hear statements and must, have no alternative, to get the facts verified as best we can.

False News, invented to the highest level prevailed throughout the immediate past US Presidential election and it seems we have caught this contagious practice.

Eight-homes burnt to the ground at the dump fire. False News.

WhatsApp story that two gunmen have been driving around threatening women. False News.

Men dressed as Water & Sewerage employees have been mocking on doors. False News.

Faith Fest, an event upcoming in Freeport - Tourism now - hotel sold out, Our Lucaya which to my knowledge has 1,200 rooms but listen - 300 people have reserved for the Faith fest which at the max. means 300 rooms sold. False News.

Number of Tourists, Tourism touting now six million. False News.

Truth don’t lie, Editor.

Why have we decided to adopt this so negative position? Almost hourly on WhatsApp or Facebook there is an item of deliberate False News. Get positive and constructive.

There is a grave security danger in this - on the night of the General Election someone puts out a false news story stating who has won the election - totally false - this could easily cause a disruption on the streets totally unnecessary and unwarranted. We can’t risk that.

Headlines just to sell the newspapers - we see it daily.

Talk Shows minute by minute on most false news – false information and false ideas. False News is no news - let’s stop it before no one believes anything.



March 7, 2017.


ohdrap4 7 years, 6 months ago

bahamar open soon. false news?

nhi starts january 2017. false news?

crime down. false news ?

carnival add 60 million to economeyuu. false news?

bamsi produced 100 million dollars in bananas. false news?

can we add more?

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