Why copy rather than take the lead?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

WHAT is all this emphasis and psyche on copying Singapore?

I would suggest if The Bahamas tried that all of us would have to return into our mother’s womb and be born-again as to change the mindset of today is beyond being impossible.

Take Government - the IMF has told them you have to reduce the footprint of government. You have to reduce and make governance more efficient. What happened?

In general, we are oh so contented to say the clichés - you know, It’s better ... the best country in the world ... it’s internationally world famous then we say ... we have to copy Singapore!

Successive governments have gone down the same road and by the end of their five-year term we have the same results ... massive deficits and a frightening number of signed cheques sitting in every ministry.

Why is it so difficult to get anything licensed? The process should be totally transparent and so efficient that in a couple of hours you are ready to go.

We have the so-called National Economic Council– has zero legal standing alike The Best Commission but wheels all kinds of power and in fact much is contrary to The Constitution – there is no laws that limited participation by anyone, Bahamian or not in all sectors of the economy – it is time government refutes this stupidity ... Policy is not law... no sector is reserved for Bahamians only, except MPs.



March 10, 2017.


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