Failures of the government

EDITOR, The Tribune.

OH that Junkanoo Carnival .... This time political motivation expected two-three days prior to when we go to vote.

Coincidence? Hell no.

Whatever the budget is we have to stop being stupid - if in 2017 the event cannot attract a reasonable level of visitors it has failed.

How much more money are we going to throw at this?

Failure after failure. Millions chasing more millions.

No discounting at the hotels like last time - even Atlantis was selling rooms at 50% discount.

Same goes for IAAF relays - no financial return cancel stop wasting everyone’s tax money. Athletes do not drink - do not indulge. Hotels Atlantis was discounting 50% last year.

Different issue - H O Nash and the bus BTC donated - surely the Principal could have rented a bus and achieved precisely same results got the students down to the Yacht Club?

BTC has been turned into the National Charity — the owners must be making a very high level of profit to be giving away and sponsoring like BTC does.

Any dividends Mr Prime Minister-Minister of Finance?

Where is the share offering, another 2012 promise spoken and forgotten like so many others.

Will Christie give a contract for the landfill without a tender or RFP?

My bet is he will and will if so, break the law.

Wind changed Saturday now central and eastern Nassau getting smoked out + Baha Mar (oh now watch PC rush to correct everything). Tender please, Mr Minister of Finance.



March 11, 2017.


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