Minnis against Bahamians

EDITOR, The Tribune.

In a calculated effort to destroy the reputation of the Bahamian people, Hubert Alexander Minnis will sell a hotel that he does not own. The last time I checked, and I stand to be corrected, Baha Mar is privately owned.

The present government has said that the hotel will open in late April. Well how can a hotel open if it has no owner according to Minnis again? A question that I have is why is Minnis trying so hard and wishing for Bahamians not to have an avenue to find gainful employment? Why is he against Bahamians working is beyond reasoning.

How could an FNM government arbitrarily sell a private entity just because they did not like the investor. Is this the Kremlin, is Minnis Putin’s friend? The suggestion that the state is going to seize a private business and have a fire sale is asinine to the highest degree.

This kind of behaviour has all the trappings of killing the Bahamas’ reputation as it relates to “direct foreign investment”.

But what is disturbing, is that sensible FNM will repeat the ignorance that is being said, know that is is void of intelligent thought. My serious concern is that the FNM who are opposed to this gutter style of leadership is sitting in the corner with their mouth “duct taped”.

Someone in the party must want the best for the country. Is Minnis a good representation of your ideals? Is he a good role model for our youth? Can he look in the mirror and say that his hands are clean, before he accuses anyone of being otherwise? Has there been any questions that he has not yet answered truthfully?

Can Minnis say without fear of contradiction that “he is without sin”? Would he be honest to say that his closet is empty of bones?

I daresay to the FNM supporters who have some integrity, please insist on your leader to “come clean”, otherwise, he be made to suffer the fate he is orchestrating on others. The Bahamas is very small and every knows everybody. Nothing is a secret in this country.

The FNM is not a camp for sainthood. Many of the things they complain about today they are guilty of also. But it seems like no one in the party is honest to admit them. “Confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us all our sins and cleans us from all unrighteousness”.

There is one thing that Bahamians must do in this upcoming election, that is to insist that mental state of all who are offering themselves for leadership are stable. Not because your party, that was coerced selected you, means that you have the smarts, the courage, the compassion for people and the common sense to lead this great country. A wise man would know that if they are not qualified to lead to just simply “step aside”.

Oh by the way, the story about you selling newspapers, sowing pants or shining shoes, “please, don’t make me sneeze”. You are a wealthy man, and congratulations for achieving, but under normal circumstances you would not be caught dead having the people around that have now. But I guess if everyone has been promised to be the Ambassador to Washington or chairman of the highest paying board, that would be incentive enough.

Mr Minnis, I know that my advice to you means nothing, but I offer it anyway, Michael Jackson said, “If you want to make this world a better place, take a look at the man in the mirror.

Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten. Buddha.

Ain’t nothin’ gonna break-a my stride, Nobody gonna slow me down, oh no, I got to keep on movin’.

Remaining laser focused.




March 13, 2017.


DDK 7 years, 6 months ago

What planet do these people come from? How can they justify the gibberish they write?

EasternGate 7 years, 6 months ago

I looked at the writer, and won't waste my time reading his crap

Reality_Check 7 years, 6 months ago

The Bahamian judge in the Baha Mar local legal proceedings should have long ago ordered that all of the transcripts, documents and reports filed with the court be unsealed, i.e made available for inspection by the public, in particular the news media. The judge's failure to recognize the public's right to have access to this information in the run up to a general election is frightening to say the least. It certainly appears the court is wrongfully interfering in the upcoming general election by concealing information the present government does not want to be made public. There have been many proper demands made for the information to be put in the public domain because there is no justifiable national security interest for not doing so. The court's continued willingness to wrongfully withhold this information from the public points to a lack of independence that is most harmful to our country's democratic processes. The fact that the Chief Justice has not weighed in or intervened by now in this matter is also of great concern to the public at large. These are all very serious matters!

themessenger 7 years, 6 months ago

Poor Ivoine, still cultivating and eating his sour grapes..............

banker 7 years, 6 months ago

And Ivoine doesn't believe the stuff that he writes. He is selling his soul for a chance to sing for his supper. He is a vomit-swimmer as well. One supposes that after being immersed in it for so long, you lose your self-esteem, dignity, moral compass and worth as human capital. I feel sorry for Ivoine, that he has to put out this untruthful garbage to try and curry favour to regain an income stream.

realfreethinker 7 years, 6 months ago

After seeing who the author was,I went straight to the comments. I hope none of you wasted precious seconds reading this crap.

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