Too many foreigners

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I AM not xenophobic. I understand that countries need foreign labour to help get some jobs done.

We do not have all types of expertise in our small population of 350,000.

When walking in the centre of Nassau lately, I’m always shocked at the high number of foreigners working in the stores in our downtown.

Can’t Bahamians sell jewellery? Can’t Bahamians put make-up on customers?

Can’t Bahamians be salespersons who sell clothes?

I have to ask: Is our Department of Immigration giving out work permits for foreigners to do these simple things in shops downtown?

It must be, as these foreigners are there every day. And truth be told, there are more and more of them every time you go downtown.

The Department of Immigration needs to revisit its policies. I see no need for the large number of foreign workers in retail stores on Bay Street.

If you believe in Bahamians, end this practice. There are scores of Bahamian men and women who are looking for work and are well qualified to take these posts.



March 13, 2017.


Porcupine 7 years, 6 months ago

Who are hiring these people? Bahamians?

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