Just do your job

EDITOR, The Tribune.

SINCE the work on Baha Mar has begun and 600 persons have been hired so far; is it safe to say that the sale of Baha Mar has been completed?

Are we going to have to wait until April 21, like Attorney Wayne Munroe is saying.

He says that we are going to see “something” that will cause people to finally see what the deal is.

If what he is saying has nothing to do with making the agreement public, I will suggest that he puts his political aspirations for the St Anne’s Constituency on hold.

This may seem farfetched, but I would venture to say that there is no agreement for the sale of Baha Mar; except the Prime Minister wants to use it as a trump card in the upcoming election.

If that it is the case, will it be enough make up for the number of Bahamians who will not be employed at Baha Mar?




March 12, 2017.


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