Carrying a cross on the highway

Leroy Clemenger, of Florida, carrying a large wooden cross along the East Sunrise Highway in Freeport.

Leroy Clemenger, of Florida, carrying a large wooden cross along the East Sunrise Highway in Freeport.


Tribune Freeport Reporter


A MAN carrying a large wooden cross along the busiest highway in Freeport yesterday drew stares from many curious passersby, but Leroy Clemenger, of Fort Myers, Florida, said his mission is to spread the message about Jesus.

The Tribune spotted Mr Clemenger walking with the cross inscribed with ‘Jesus Saves’ heading west along East Sunrise Highway around 3.30pm near the Masonic Lodge. He had already walked many miles from Silver Point Beach but could not say how far he was going to travel.

“I am not doing this for myself, I don’t want to lift up Leroy’s name, I want to lift up the name of Jesus – it’s about Him,” he said. “It is not about how far I’ve walked, it’s about how far He went to save us; we are just servants of the Lord - he did it all.”

Mr Clemenger told The Tribune he is a minister and has carried his cross in many places in the United States. “I figured since I come over here a lot, I would start carrying it here too,” he said.

When asked if had received any surprised and strange looks from people in Grand Bahama, he said: “I have gotten lots of looks, but it does not bother me. I had people run my cross over and do stuff like that, but not over here (in The Bahamas). People who don’t like what you doing, they don’t want to hear it, they don’t want to see it, but all you can do is pray for them,” he said.


CommonSense 7 years, 6 months ago

Who cares? Why is this news?

Sickened 7 years, 6 months ago

Hey Trump, should we ban Christian's from the entire United States or just those from Fort Myers, Florida?

TalRussell 7 years, 6 months ago

Comrades! Knowing our people way we do, if a Grand Bahamian were walking that cross along Freeport's East Sunrise Highway - it would have wheels for easy rolling.

licks2 7 years, 6 months ago

He represents an ancient and historically well founded governmental/kingdom idea started by Jesus the Jewish teacher who just under one thousand years ago declared that he is king, firstly in Heaven, then of Israel and as such was put to death for the sins of the Jews first, and secondly the world. . .including the Bahamas!! Jesus' Jewish followers, one of whom was Paul of Tarsus and over 1000 followers, in 33 to 69 AD/CE said that they saw him alive in and around Jerusalem, the Judean capital for 40 days! Historical records do show without a doubt that the Jew Jesus was put to death on a cross in 33 BCE on a little hill out side the said capital city. All records known to man since that day show that this planet and human religion as well as other human social interactions has been impacted like no other human has had on mankind before and since!

That man and that cross represents the major question that has been in the breast and mind of every single human being before Jesus the Jew ( where did I come from and where am I going after death) and every one since 33 AD/CE when the Jew Jesus died on the Roman cross (symbolized by the cross carried by the gentleman). . .Jesus the Jew cannot be dismissed as insignificant to them, him or us. . .we all have to answer that question. . ."IS THIS MAN A CRACK POT OR JESUS IS THE KING AND SAVIOR AS HE SAID HE IS"?

Laughing at this man's only shows our fear and or ignorance of his minds set. . .his reasoning for believing in that savior represented to us by his cross carried around. . .ignorance of the history of the historical phenomenon called Jesus the Jew and his claims!

This world is chuck full of outer-world phenomenon that we cannot answer. . .have no answers for. . .will never have answers for based on our limitations of being humans. . . so to talk about this man as if he is "crazy" only shows me how limited your knowledge of the history of man kind and our thinking of how we got here. . .why are have this self consciousness . . . why every human civilization has and do practice a religion. . .speak, think and make babies (DNA encoding)? So before you dismiss that man as foolish and ignorant. . .check yourself. . .maybe you are the ignorant one here. . .perhaps he has found out in his own sphere of logical reasoning that. . .just perhaps Jesus the Jew is a reality!

Now before all yall "run off at the mouth" and just spew a whole bunch of junk. . .google the term Pascal Equation. . .scientific probability says that it is very likely that the man is right and you are wrong. . .and it is just likely that he is wrong and you are right!

banker 7 years, 6 months ago

'Splain to me. OK, now let me see if I got this straight, because what it sounds like you're telling me is that God sent His boy to His people so that His people could kill His Boy in order to save them from the wrath of.....God ??????????

I won't even get into the fact that if you believe in the Trinity, -- one God, three parts, then the Christian idea is a suicide? God sent himself to be killed to atone for the beings created by God so the beings created by God can be with him instead of being punished because some woman ate an apple? But the God killed is the son of God, but really in the trinity is the one god? My head is spinning.

TalRussell 7 years, 6 months ago

Hey Comrade "Serpent" Banker, you're talking like it was Licks2, who God told go eat that apple?
But if you eat da apple - ya own eyes might open and see how naked your mind tends shift all over the place.
You should repent by going to Freeport to help shoulder the American Comrade, carrying that cross all ways up and down Freeport.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 6 months ago

This man came all the way from the USA to carry a cross for Jesus .......... why are we lambasting him???????? ........... This is Lent .......... let us all carry crosses downtown and place the names of all of the politicians on the crosses ........ and then plant them in front of Parliament as a public testimony ............ This PLP government is a heavy cross for us to bear

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