Munroe deserves no votes

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I was sick to my stomach when I learned that outspoken and extremely controversial attorney and Queen’s Council, Wayne Munroe, had been both chosen and ratified to represent the constituency of Free Town, formerly Montagu, for the Progressive Liberal Party in the upcoming General Election.

They say Bahamians have short memories, especially when it comes to our politicians, and this certainly rings true in reference to Mr Munroe.

Already, we have completely forgotten the many head shaking, utterly nauseating things this reprehensible figure has said and done not too long ago.

If you have been watching the news, reading any of the four dailies, or paying attention to social media, then you’ve probably seen and heard of Wayne Munroe’s latest act of sheer buffoonery.

If you haven’t, dear reader, then allow me to enlighten you. At a recent PLP rally, Mr Munroe, while on stage and in front of a podium, railed against the opposition Free National Movement (FNM), telling frenzied party supporters that if the FNM chooses to aim low, rather than do the honourable thing, they should do the same and aim low and use “gutter ways”as well. He even went as far as to punctuate his speech with obscenities and vulgar gestures, including slapping his “ bongie”, and telling his opponents to “kiss his a...” (you figure it out).

This frat boy behaviour, from someone who should really know better, considering his profession, is just one of many reasons why Wayne Munroe, QC, doesn’t deserve votes, and should never, ever, under no circumstances, be made an MP.

Since we Bahamians are so susceptible to “political amnesia”, we should be reminded that it was Wayne Munroe who suggested, rather pointedly, that illegal immigrants should be flogged (whipped) before being deported back to their country of origin, to serve as a deterrent to anyone foolish enough to attempt it. We should be reminded that Mr Munroe never apologised for his asinine statement.

We should be reminded that Wayne Munroe once wore green as a candidate for the Democratic National Alliance (DNA), where he raked both Dr Hubert Minnis and Perry Christie over the coals for their “ incompetence” and “foolishness”.

Now look who’s schmoozing with Prime Minister Christie. So much for party loyalty.

May 10, 2017, is the day we Bahamians will mark our X to determine which party will govern us in the next five years.

One can only hope that sensible voters will see Wayne Munroe, QC, for who or what he is, and not waste their votes on him, because he absolutely does not deserve them.




April 26, 2017.


birdiestrachan 7 years, 4 months ago

Mr: Munroe is a great man. He will not be condemned because of a mistake he may or may not have made. Pay attention village to whom the FNM go when they find themselves before the court with serious offenses. There are no saints in the Bahamas and this includes you.

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