Promises, promises...

EDITOR, The Tribune.


(Emm Gee acknowledges this poem is based on the song ‘Promises’, by O C Smith, written by H B Barnum/Ben Raliegh)

Promises, you keep making. Promises, you keep breaking.

You said we’d get 10,000 jobs. You said you’ll only go half a term.

You said you’d be ready from Day One. Still waiting for that day to come.

You said we’d get mortgage relief.

These were the first ones you didn’t keep.

You said there would be accountability.

You said there would be transparency.

You said you’d be guided by the referendum.

Boy, you sure made us look dumb.

We voted, we were led by our souls.

After you lost, you said it was just an opinion poll.

You said you had the answer to crime.

Remember those famous billboards from last time?

You promised we would be relieved.

But now even more families grieve.

As our young people die in the streets.

All you do is shuffle your feet.

You said we could go and pray to God,

For what we wanted Him to do.

But after all was said and done,

We still have to come back to you.

Wow! You are such a big hero!

I beg you to remember Pharaoh.

Now carnival, you said would make us millions.

Tourists would flock here, it would be titillating!

I didn’t like the idea but went along for the ride.

After all the road party, even during Eastertide.

We can’t see the profit. Where is the prize?

Now you say, it was never a money-making enterprise.

Promises, Promises, Oh so worthless!

I only wish you could make them hurt-less.

Baha Mar was to open. I left my other job.

It’s closed! It will open! It’s sold!

Man, this situation makes my head spin.

Now I’ve lost my house and my car, Everything!

And Vat! Oh my Lord, that Vat!

I really don’t know what to say about that.

Every day, more of my money is gone, with no return.

But you said it would pay down the national debt.

It didn’t happen, but when you explained, I started to fret.

Because we found out Halkities has lie-abities.

Let’s see: Bamsi burn down. The dump on fire.

Millions missing from all over the place.

No one prosecuted, the money must be in cyber space.

Ministers and MPs doing as they please.

The Nolle, the gas water, Four downgrades,

Man, Bahamians need some ease.

Now you ask for five more years to finish what you want to do.

What? “Believe in Bahamians” Was that slogan even true?

What else, pray tell, can you do? Remember that half term thing?

But you’ll give us free electricity after you win! Why wait? Give it now. Just let it be!

Over 5,000 in the dark. They cannot see!

You say you’ll make my life better. Well, five years ago I got that same letter.

Now I’m worse off than before. And here you are, again at my door.

Same old story, same old song.

How can you believe in me like you say you do?

Knowing there is nothing so untrue.

As those promises, those promises from you.

Tell me man, why’d you stick up your finger?

Didn’t you think that image would linger?

All over The Bahamas, all over the world?

Have you no regard for us, for the children here,

The one’s you claim you love so dear?

I cry shame. My respect for you has disappeared.

Oh, trust me, there is so much more.

But there’s only so much space, so much time.

Besides, I’ve got to go try make a dime.

They say a promise is a comfort to a fool.

Buddy, you must think I’m the biggest hole.

To believe I’ll get a piece of the pie. How you can look me dead in my eye...and lie?


By Emm Gee.

(Copyright 2017)


April, 2017


OMG 7 years, 4 months ago

Great summary, unfortunately many will still vote PLP not understanding the bigger picture,.

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