The lie of free NHI care

EDITOR, The Tribune.

NHI…has the programme taken away ‘Free Medical Care’ for our old people?

Read up and down the website of NHI and I am totally unable to see what is the programme for the growing number of persons over 65 years.

Before the launch, a registered Pensioner would get free medical care including prescription drugs - doctor visits - treatments and hospitalisation.

Mr Minister of Health - Dr Perry Gomez - Mr Director of NHI Secretariat - someone who has the good sense to advise the pensioners has the  programme for them changed?

1) Free anything out the window except like everyone else.

2) Free hospitalisation - cancelled.

3) Free treatments.

Can we stop the stupidity and comments…NHI does not create free medical care other than primary care and the short list of issues that are free.

If you need surgery you will have to find the money - Christie and his Ministers are lying through their teeth to say anything different and playing with yours and my life.

Go to NHI web page and try to see different.

Pensioners need to know do they have free medical care or has that all been taken away?

Shame on the PLP for not telling them…it is not free, folks!



May 2, 2017.


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