Nygard’s giving

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I must agree with V Alfred Gray’s timely statement when he said Peter Nygard has done more for The Bahamas than most Bahamians have. That might sound controversial, but it is the undeniable truth.

It upsets me to no end to see this outstanding, highly accomplished philanthropist being routinely smeared and denigrated by the FNM propaganda newspaper The Tribune.

The Tribune continues to publish highly offensive political ads that mockingly say “Peter Nygard for Prime Minister,” as if the said idea is reprehensible. Well, I for one would take Nygard for prime minister over Dr Hubert Minnis, Hubert Ingraham or any other FNM every day of the week and twice on Sunday. He has made significant contributions to this country. I dare say he has done more for this country than the FNM. He reportedly donated $5m to the PLP for its 2012 Gold Rush campaign.

If it wasn’t for Nygard’s funding, the path to victory for the PLP would’ve been that much harder, especially since the FNM was backed financially by the Bay Street Boys.

Nygard gave Shane Gibson $94,000 in order to assist needy kids with scholarships in his Golden Gates community. His development at Lyford Cay has employed hundreds of Bahamians in the construction industry. I recall him giving a leading Baptist minister $10,000.

Young beautiful Bahamian women who aspire to become models would find grand opportunities at Nygard Cay. All Bahamians should have been proud when a video of some PLP Cabinet ministers were with Nygard at his palatial residence.

The man is truly a PLP. His stem cells initiative could spur growth in the health industry, creating many opportunities for employment. One silly FNM spin doctor calling himself the Whistleblower has repeatedly brought up the matter of Nygard confronting the Rev CB Moss in Bain Town. What the forked tongue spin doctor failed to say was that Moss may have been sympathetic to Save the Bays, an organisation that was attempting to topple the Christie government.

The Whistleblower also ranted about Nygard using profanity as he spoke about Christie in a video. The coward chides the PLP Cabinet for remaining silent over the video. Nygard did absolutely nothing illegal. He exercised his constitutional right to free speech. The coward is a dictator just like his FNM. Who has never lost his temper and uttered words he wished he could retract? Nygard was only being human. One cannot judge the man based on that one isolated incident.

The PLP did the right thing in not responding. Good for them. Whoever released that video was looking to create mischief. I believe it was an FNM. Nygard is good to The Bahamas. He is good for The Bahamas, just like the PLP. PLP, all the way! PLP, all the way!



May 2, 2017.


birdiestrachan 7 years, 4 months ago

Mr:Nygard"s; 'sin is that he allowed persons of a different hue to go on the beaches of Coral Harbour. They were only allowed to pass, or work as maids and gardeners. But the other man is a Saint. Busy, busy in the politics of the Bahamas.. underhand and dangerous is what he is

realfreethinker 7 years, 4 months ago

birdie you are a bigger boongy hole than David Fowler Jr.

Porcupine 7 years, 4 months ago

birdie, Your close-minded thinking is what is truly dangerous to this country.

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