An ode to Perry Christie

EDITOR, The Tribune

Oh but the bliss D-minus is

To current representatives

Who rule the tribes of ignorance

And dull the masses common sense.

Unlike those in power now

MPs ought to “public” bow!

“Of service” they will never know,

False PLPs with cash to go!

Too much to ask; transparency,

Equality, integrity,

Ensurance of longevity

Of promise made in certainty?

So many lies have there been told.

Know all that glitters is not gold!

Chicanery and Chick Charnies

Be all in bed with PLPs!

‘Course crime be someone else’s fault

At old election time last fought!

And who should bear the blame this time

For record crime above the line?

One hundred days ten thousand jobs?

The hopes and spirit have you robbed

Of people who entrusted you

Not to enrich but chosen few.

Now to”numbers” referendum.

Oh boy, did you ever swing ‘em!

Recall your words “I will abide”?

In truth but yet another lie!

Next Nygard Cay and “inside boys”,

Fitzgerald and his hoi pelloi,

Still choking on ill-gotten gains,

Still cloaked in crooked deals and shame.

Get in line for Rubis gas spill.

After that the burning land fill.

T ’is smoke and mirrors, Christie’s game.

He makes the smoke he stokes the flame.

Of Junkanoo and Carnival,

Of festival designed for all,

Of thirteen million dollars spent

And no accounting, not one cent!

Of Bamsi and our Baha Mar,

One does not have to probe too far

To realize that the PLP

Still searches for integrity!

I could go on and on and on

But time is short as rope is long.

The final thing I want to know

Is “where dat damn VAT money go”?


An urgent memo of today;

From advance poll of third of May.

Our voters’ precious Registry;

Conspiracy of PLP?

Please tell me that they will not try

To rob us with another lie!

That free Bahamians voting all

Ain’t voting for opinion poll!



May 3, 2017.


Sickened 7 years, 4 months ago


Watch your back though... you talkin' bad about the gestapo!

DDK 7 years, 4 months ago


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