Wetland destruction

EDITOR, The Tribune.

 THE PLP is destroying the wetlands located off Marshall Road, in Southern Shores by giving leases to churches and others to build in this restricted area.

These wetlands are a gift from God because of the fact that it is a self-sustaining nursery, and vital to the preservation of our marine life, which is an  important food source here in The Bahamas. From August 2012, we have brought this matter to the attention of the Prime Minister, Mr Kendred Dorsette, Mr Alfred Gray, Physical Planning, Land and Surveys and The Bahamas National Trust, and to this date none of them seems to care because these buildings are still in progress in this area on Bone Fish Pond.

They are using the Bahamian people’s land as their own personal property, and this is another phase of their land giveaway to family, friends and cronies for votes in the Southern Shores area. They have already given away land starting from Blue Hill Road and west on Marshal Road. They have a subdivision and marina planned on the pond, for the remainder of Marshal Road west , to the end that reaches almost parallel to the old Bacardi land mark. They have already made a road through the mangroves.

In the past, thousands of fishes had died when someone indiscriminately blocked the water way to the sea. This shows how vulnerable this region is to any changes made by man.

If we do not stop what is going on now, and what is being planned for the future for this area, these wetlands will be destroyed along with all the marine life that depends on this ecosystem.

As Minister for the Environment, Mr Kendred Dorsette’s lack of interest in preserving the wetlands in this area of Bond Fish pond, and the suffering the people endured because of the fires from the burning dump site, due to his incompetence or conflict of interest, speaks volumes to his poor performance as the Minister for the Environment.



May 2, 2017. 


Sickened 7 years, 4 months ago

You're still asking this government for help? THEY DON'T CARE!!!!!

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