
EDITOR, The Tribune.

The disgraceful chaos at the advanced poll on Wednesday and the promotion of 851 policemen and women on the eve of the poll are an assault on our democracy.

While I’m sure the right thinking members of the police force will not be sucked in by such a transparent ploy, one can only shake their head in amazement at the depths to which the self-serving members of The Twilight Zone Club have sunk.

As for the advanced poll fiasco, what an embarrassment!

Words fail me.



May 4, 2017.


birdiestrachan 7 years, 4 months ago

The Co founder of the bitter old women's club wrights again

DDK 7 years, 4 months ago

Plunder Loot Pillage is an assault on our democracy. The blatancy of it all is astounding.

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