Tarahan Mackey is a true gem

Re:  IAAF/BTC World Relays Bahamas 2017 Volunteers        

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THE IAAF/BTC World Relays were watched in person, on TV and online by many people all around the world. Have you ever wondered what it takes for something of this magnitude to actually happen? I will tell you one component that is absolutely necessary and that is hundreds of volunteers.

I will go on record saying that we have the most professional and dedicated group of volunteers.  We have a team leader for every single section of the volunteers.

Everything from Team Attaches to Transportation to Uniform Distribution to Ice, Water and Meal Distribution, nothing is left uncovered.  We have a Whatsapp chat group just for the team leaders so that we could all stay on top of everything that was going on. I can’t begin to tell you how many messages went through that chat group every single day for months, until every single athlete, media person and IAAF person had been safely delivered to the airport.

We all worked extremely hard and helped whenever and wherever we could.

I must give the most credit though, to one single person who was our leader and the glue that held us all together.  That man is Mr Tarahan Mackey.

Without him, our group of leaders and volunteers wouldn’t have been as successful as we were.  I don’t think he has had more than a couple of hours of sleep each night for months, because he was messaging at midnight and then again first thing every morning. 

This man is professional, dedicated, a real leader and one of the classiest people I know.  He handled even the worst situations in a professional way and always with a calm head.   So, Mr Mackey, I thank you for your dedication to this event. This is my 3rd year volunteering for this event and I can’t imagine it going off as well without your leadership. I hope the Local Organising Committee realises what a gem they have in you.


Team Leader for

Technical Operations


April 26, 2017.


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